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Emilia gasped for air, once again feeling breathless. Was she having a panic attack?

She looked around, having no idea on where she was. It was an abandoned building, for sure. But was it was night? Maybe midnight, she thought. She was supposed to go home to jesse today but fate had different plans for her.

She jumped up at the sound of her name being called...... Noah. He had gone to borrow a phone maybe? Call someone, she had no clue even though he had told her what he was doing to do.

Her mind was a jungle at the point of point, she couldn't think without almost having a panic attack. She just wanted to go home.

"Emilia did you even hear what I was telling you?" Noah asked, already knowing the answer but still Emilia shook her head in silence and slowly whispered, "I-I think I have-e a migraine."

"I know, I know" Noah muttered slowly, "help is almost here."
"do they know?" Emilia asked unexpectedly. "Who? Your family or Jesse?" He smirked in happiness, seeing the panic on her face.
"Yes they both know."

"How did you know?"
"Uhm expect the fact that you guys practically drool over each other at all the interviews and table reads? I don't know maybe that both of you are hella happy and have been late for a whole week?" he says before murmuring, "I'm still shocked that no one else figured it out." To which Emilia just nods, trying to stop a smile from creeping up onto her face.

"He makes me happy." Emilia says after a while before placing her hand on her head, massaging her temple.
"I know. I know. That's why I haven't said anything." Noah points out.

Their conversation is abruptly cut off when they hear people talking. They look at the each other in panic when suddenly a dog barks, almost earning a girl-ish scream from Noah.

Was it them? They both thought.
Noah brings up a finger to his mouth shhhhh and so slowly whispers a light stay here as he walks to check on the noise.



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