ROR chapter 8

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a month have passed since ashborn have reborn and become the king of the true gods and hikari and her sister are now minor goddess with their people now part of the realm (2 to 3 races) he each sign the shadows (name ones) Bellion is now the co leader for the elemental knights with kurumi jima is the protector of the waters in the water plant (old fashion like old japen before teach) along with his shadow nagas tank and his bears will help with the buildings beru Greed iron and the others (not the shadows knights and mages for they help in the kingdom) will get suppys from the chikyu realm with the shadows that fly with deliver the said supply's for the three kingdoms (not 4 since all the elementals are living in his kingdom) we now see ashborn and airi talking about the progress so far

airi: And that is the end of my report.

ashborn: I see thank you airi.

airi:Your welcome but i do got a question why did you sign beru to the getting the supply's when he is more sulted for guarding?

ashborn: I do not doubt his combat but i am more worried that he will start a cult or something along that lines.

airi: You know i can totally see that happening.

the sound of door opening

yami: My lord someone is here to talk to you about something.

ashborn: I see bring the person here.

yami nods and go get her a minute later she bring the the person in question its Brunhilde from record of Ragnarök

Brunhilde: Its a honor to meet with you the king of darkness.

ashborn: I see now what is the thing do you want to tell me?

Brunhilde: Sorry for over steping but i want to tell the other gods including the minor ones.

ashborn thinks: Its most be that important than if she is requires all gods and minor gods

ashborn: Okay than airi call all of them.

airi: Yes my lord

5 minutes all the gods were there and in their thrones diluc azura rena and raven to the right and while daki kori airi kurumi hikari and yami to the left while in the back of the wall in the center is ashborn with Brunhilde (in his castle by the way) 

ashborn: Sorry for the call this women wants to tell ALL of us something very important.

diluc: Its okay after all its your first time calling a meeting so Brunhilde what is the thing?

she puts on a serious face

Brunhilde: I need your help.

azura: And why?

Brunhilde: Going to be blant humanity is about to be gone.

all the gods minus ashborn:


as some of you know by next mouth on the second the end of kaguya sama will reach its end got to say love the gang lets cry but move on in honor of kaguya sama.

ashborn: the shadow godWhere stories live. Discover now