Chapter 5 - Move Out

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A blanket wrapped around George's shoulders as he sat on a chair in the library. Both hunters and the higher-up's surrounded the table that had maps, historical papers and books spread across it. Ink bottles and quills sat in the center as a single light hung above the table and lit up the leads and notes they were trying to uncover.

George sipped on his warm mug of hot cocoa, letting its heat warm up his hands as the little marshmallows floated on top. BadBoyHalo's personal addition.

"So you're sure Dream wasn't the one behind this.." Sam repeated with a stressed expression on his face as he looked at George. He shook his head. "He hesitated Sam, Dream never hesitates and the moment I mentioned the eye he just- he just glitched."

Phil frowned from his spot at the table and inter-whined his fingers together. "It's as I suspected. Dream is more than aware of the consequences messing with the eye could bring him." He spoke with a heavy sigh making George frown.

"And the prick's smart enough to avoid it." Sapnap hummed. Walking towards the table from the depths of the shadows and dropped a bunch of historical scrolls in front of them. "I dug up everything I could related to the end, boss." He crossed his arms against his chest casually, receiving narrowed eyes from Sam. The rest smirking or snickering to themselves as they watched.

"And I'm sure Karl helped a lot with that right?" Sam raised a brow, unable to miss the ruffled hair and untucked shirt on Sapnap as he glared. The dark could hide so much, but not everything. Everyone chuckled as Sapnap blushed and grumbled to himself with a pout.

"Don't act like you and Ponk don't get it down and dirty, Sam." Another voice piped in behind Sapnap as Karl soon walked up to his side. His own hair ruffled and his lips were flushed pink and puckered. Everyone breaking out into a fit of laughter as Sam's eyes widened in a sharp glare and Karl smiled innocently.

It even got Phil to chuckle as he waved a hand for everyone to calm down. They had their little fit of laughter, which was definitely needed, but they could all celebrate once they've gotten to the bottom of their problem. "Alright everyone, settle down. Thanks to George and his brave but reckless behavior, we are able to cross Dream out as one of the possibilities." He spoke before looking towards George.

"But that also means we have to be more careful. We can't afford to lose anyone on this mission and that means we have to act smart." He brought out a large map. Pushing it open as the large scroll rolled open all along the table. Showing a large view of the areas they've travelled and explored. Sand bioms, large forests, ravines, oceans and rivers. It was all there, yet it was still only a portion of the world itself.

"The eyes are distributed around the world right? Then let's start with where we do know the eyes are complicated." George finally spoke up. Getting up from his chair gently and placing his empty mug down. Letting the blanket slide off his shoulders.

Everyone looked at the hunter. Waiting for him to continue and that's exactly what he did.

"There's a dozen of us if not more so we should all take supplies and split up into groups of three people." George spoke, looking at everyone as some frowned in thought and some nodded and muttered in agreement. "George is right." A sudden voice spoke, her words laced with both authority yet a sweetness no man or woman could ever resist as Kristen walked through the large doors of the library. A gush of air entering with her making the papers ruffle.

The bright moonlight of the dark skies shone down on her like the goddess that she was. Her black silk cardigan flowing behind her in the soft wind as the feathers making up her hat ruffled in that cool breeze.

Phil's eyes shone in longing as a warm smile took the place of his conflicted frown.

"I don't usually chip in, but I overheard and couldn't help but agree. The boy's right dear, we can cover more ground and stop this from happening all over again. We both know what happened the first time and it hurts too much to go through it again.." Kristen spoke softly as she placed a gentle hand on her husband's arm.

Seeing the emotions and thoughts swirling through his eyes before he sighed softly and nodded. "You're right, you're right.." He smiled warmly. Looking over at the rest. "This is not something easy I'm asking of you guys, but we could use your help." Phil admitted, looking over the group. The new generation. Hell maybe even the future.

"When do we start boss?" Sapnap grinned, the hunters cheering in agreement as Sam gave a curt nod and small smile. Phil let out a small chuckle and playfully waved them off like he was flattered.

He smiled, grabbing Kristen's hand and inter-whining their fingers. "Go get some rest for now. Tomorrow we can group up and start, but for now get all the rest you could get." And with that, the night ended. Everyone scattered with murmurs of agreement and the next day strolled in as quickly as George could comprehend.

They were gathered at the forest entrance. Hunters gathered around in their gear and backpacks while their loved ones, friends and families wished them safe trips. Some cried and some wished each other the best, but they would make it. It had to.

George gave Phil and Kristen a smile and curt nod while Sapnap and Bad joined him. Sapnap gave Karl one last kiss for their parting since Karl would have to stay back along with some other hunters. The village couldn't protect itself after all, but Sapnap made sure it was him who joined George on the hunt.

Sapnap had to physically turn himself away when he saw the faint tears welling up in Karl's eyes. "I'll meet u guys at the gate. Don't hold up." Sapnap murmured as he walked past Bad and George. Ant and a few others also had to stay back and soon enough Sam called everyone to the gate.

"Hunters!" Sam called out, hopping onto one of the wooden crates piled over each other. "We've run these forests many times now!" He began, gathering the hunters together. "The mushrooms remain as our path and whatever stands in our way, you cut it down. This is a quest to find as many Eyes we can, if not just one. You may find all of them, and you may find none. But it doesn't matter, mark out the places you've explored and most importantly, have each others backs. Even if it costs you an Eye.."

"We're here to win this battle, and we'll damn right win it. Even one Eye can change everything. Stick together everyone, move out."

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