Chapter 8 • First Task

Comenzar desde el principio

"GET IT AWAY FROM ME!" Georgia was too focused at the frog that was currently stuck on her hair while we all grabbed on to our chairs for dear life.

Last night was definitely not a dream

"What the fuck is happening" Kenneth cursed as he looked at Ms. Mendel almost pissed to which the advisor only chuckled in response.

Earthquake was one thing, but the abnormal growth of the potted plants that were inside the room was another.

The plants are all growing at an abnormal speed.

The potted plant's small branches
grew rapidly that..the pots of the plants itself broke because of the abnormal growth of its roots.


"We need to stop this!!" Kenneth yelled causing all of us to stare at Ms. Mendel who currently, seemed to be enjoying the situation.

I officially confirm, that Ms. Mendel is far FAR from normal. 

"Everyone listen up" Ms. Mendel stated, even though the room was shaking, and the plants are spreading everywhere, her voice was still booming and crystal clear.

"This, is your first task, find the reason why this is happening, and stop it before.." Ms. Mendel stopped as she took out a small hourglass.

"The timer runs out" She said, she started laughing hirastically then dissapeared out of nowhere causing all of our jaws to drop.

What the fuck is happening.

"W-what do we do..?!" Diego yelled helplessly, the earthquake still continues to intesify by the minute and the branches are now almost the size of the chairs.

"How the heck would I know?!" Kenneth yelled.

I was about to say something when suddenly someone grabbed me by the waist throwing me over their shoulders making me gasp in surprise.

What the..

Zhang Wei?

"Dude what the heck you almost killed me!" I yelled as I clutched my chest causing Zhang to roll his eyes.

"I won't kill you, but that almost did" He said as he pointed his finger at the giant root of a potted plant that was near my foot the entire time.

If he didn't caught me..

"If It hadn't been for me, you would've been limp the entire school year" He stated monotonly causing my eyes to widen not because of what Zhang said but because of the no longger potted plant continuing to grow.

So what Class A students are capable of

"Zhang stop messing around and help me think" Shang stated as he walked behind Zhang.

Shang only stared down at me causing me to smile awkwardly seeing as I'm still on Zhang's shoulder.

This damn giant.

" MAMA I WANNA GO HOME" Diego yelled crying as he held onto his chair for dear life

"GET IT AWAY FROM ME IT'S EATING MY HAIR" Georgia yet again was still focused on the frog to whom I believe is sticking like a slime.

"Georgia for fuck's sake we have a bigger problem here" Kenneth hissed to which Georgia didn't seem to hear seeing as she was still screaming because of the frog.

"I'm scared" Dave wailed while Kenneth fought off some of the roots nearing the both of them.

Shit shit shit

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 30, 2022 ⏰

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