Chapter 1 • The mark

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( Jay's POV)

"Ha...Ha...please, remind me never to trust you shit plans again" I panted as I locked the door behind me.

This freaking prick almost got us suspended.

"Oh puh lease, just look at the bright side, we got our phones~" He said cheerfully as he swayed my phone at my face causing me to roll my eyes grabbing it from his hands.

" That's one shit done I guess" I replied as we both plopped down on the bed.

A bunk bed to be exact.

"GAHHHH" Nathan yelled as he burried his face on his pillow causing me to jump back in surprise.

"What the heck was that for?" I asked causing him to groan in frustration.

"There's no cignal..and the wifi is restricted" Nathan wailed out causing me to sigh in dissapointment.

I expected it, but it's still dissapointing no matter how many times I wrap my mind about it.

"Welcome to the life of a Class C student" I said boredly as I threw my phone on the bed while Nathan kept groaning.

"This school system is rigged I want my money back!" Nathan yelled making me roll my eyes.

"Your a scholar freaking idiot what money are you talking about?" I asked causing him to pout as he stared at his now 'useless phone'dissapointedly.

"I swear if I pass the entry exam for Class A, I'll make sure to use up all of their damn wifi's signal and hog it out the campus" He declared causing me to snicker.

Is he serious right now?

" Dude, you can't even solve a simple arithmeric sequence let alone being in the elite class of Oak Wood Highschool " I said making him roll his eyes.

" I so can! Just watch me, I'll be a part of that class and Imma laugh at you while shoving my elite deploma" He bragged causing me to sigh as I entered the bathroom.

Kids these days

"Sure, whatever floats your boat" I replied sarcastically.

Being in Class A, is nothing but a distant dream

Deciding to oush away my useless thoughts I started to strip down, I don't if it's just me, but I can't sleep without half bathing.

Especially since there's no AC here in our room, it's always hot you could practically cook a chicken here.

" Ah shit!" I hissed when a burning sensation suddenly started to burn on my arm.

Shit, shit, shit, it hurts!

" GAHH!!" I yelled in pain when someone suddenly knocked on the door roughly.

" Dude what the heck are you okay??" Nathan yelled causing me to hiss as I stared at myself in the mirror.

"Yeah..I'm fine, just a roach" I replied causing him to sigh on the other side of the door.

" You yell just like my grandma you know that?" He replied pissily as I heard his faint footsteps walking away from the door.

What the fuck..

I stared at myself in the mirror, I don't know if I'm hallucinating or high but, one thing's for certain

There's a mark on my arm

" What the.." I tried to scratch it, pinch it, and even wash my face in hopes that I'm just dreaming.

But a black circle, is still evidently  formed on my arm.

" Shit did someone curse me or something?" I whispered under my breath.

You know what? Nope, I'm not having this today.

Too scared to find out thr truth I decided to just grab my towel and got out of the bathroom as quickly as I could.

To which ever bad spirit that visited me today fufu please leave me alone.

_________THE NEXT DAY________

"Yow what happened to you? You look like shit" Nathan asked causing me to look at him deadpanded.

I was too scared to close my eyes last night.

" Yeah, shitier than usual to be exact" Nathan added causing me to groan as I dropped my head on the table.

I wanna sleep..

"Just leave him be who could even get a good night sleep with a room like ours?" Rico inserted causing Nathan to shrug in response.

"Fair point" Nathan replied.

"Voila! I brought food~" Michel stated proudly only to show us the same canned pickles, bread and orange juice that's given to us every recess.

"Hey don't be picky, we should be greatful that the canned beans wasn't expired this time" Michel huffed as he sat beside me.

" You can have mine, I'm not hungry" I grumbled causing the three of them to fight over who gets to get who.

These damn idiots.

Hihi I know it's shorter, but I'm re organizing everything first! soo do please be patient and Thank you for reading this humble author's stories (⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~

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