1. McHungry

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Peppa pigs Pov:

Peppa was exhausted after a long day of work and all she wanted to do was grab some chicken nuggets from McDonald's and binge watch Barbie. She was to lazy to get out of the car and stand in the long lane and so she decided to go in the drive thru instead.

The drive thru wasn't that long given the fact that it was night time. After 5 minutes she finally received her order. It was a big mac with extra pickles, two boxes of chicken nuggets and last but not least her large coke mixed with orange juice. She made sure that the McDonald's lady had given her, her sauce cause if you know Peppa very well you woud know that she is not one to be played when it comes to chicken nuggets dipped in sauce.

On her way home, she ate a couple of the chicken nuggets since she couldn't hold her hunger anymore.

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