Chapter 11 It's Progress

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Short chapter
At the soma hospital.
Yuki sat in the waiting area alone. Daisuke walked up to yuki putting his hand on his shoulder. You look tired kid. Thank you for everything you've done, but why don't you go home and sleep? Just leave it to us for now. Daisuke said smiling at yuki. Yes, sir. I'll be back tomorrow. Yuki said bowing a bit. All right, but don't skip school. It would only make her fret, you know. Daisuke said chuckling. Making yuki smile knowing he was right.
Bye. he said then left.
Oh, wait a sec. Yuki stopped walking and turned to daisuke.
Where's the other boy with the orange hair? Doesn't he know about what happened? Daisuke asked.
He's... everyone in the soma estate knew about star being in the hospital.
Akito sat on a bench outside of the hosplit the next day. Momiji stared at akito then walked towards her.
Visiting? Akito gasped getting startled by momiji. Did you come alone? Are you here for kureno... or for star? Akito looked away from momiji not answering. It was close. I'm glad they'll be all right. Momiji said.
Kureno: From what i hear, a lot happened after you left. Akito, are you okay? Kureno asked making akito eyes widen.
They should be blaming me, getting angry. Complaining. I don't know, just something. Why aren't they? Are they idiots? If they forgive me no matter what i do or say, that isn't softhearted– its just idiotic. They're both idiots. Morons. Akito said.
Good thing, right? Thanks to those two idiots, you won't be charged for your crimes. So, you got lucky. Idiots do have their uses, don't they? Akito started crying making momiji look over at her.
Why are you crying? Momiji asked.
I wondered–if i said, "no. no, i'm not okay," what would kurneo do? Come back? Be by my side again? Honestly, i think he would have. That's just the kind of person he is. Hopelessly soft and kind. Endlessly kind. And this whole time, little by little... i've been killing him. Akito clenched her hair as she sobbed. It hurts... so much. I'm furious with myself. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. My meaningless apologies didn't change anything, but he listened and accepted them. So much kindness, and i only ever repaid it with pain. So, from now on, make sure you treasure them. It's simple. Just because other people think they're idiots, that doesn't mean you have too. You can take care of them and treasure them for who they are. That's all you need to do. Momiji held his handkerchief out to akito. This is just like the idiotic traveler. It's a story. Want to hear? Momiji sat down next to akito as akito stared at him. Once you do, you'll definitely want to go see Star.
At the soma estate
Wow, so Akito really did go to the hospital alone. I'm shocked. And impressed. Maybe the stabbing spree was cathartic? Shigure said staring into akito's empty room. Her and Takashi, something happened between them. Hatori said. Yeah. i think that's safe to say.
Akito: she sat down. Not far away... or somewhere above me. Akito opened star's hospital room door. Turning away and blushing. She sat next to me. Nearby. She started talking to me. "There you are," she said.
Did everything go according to your plan? Hatori asked snapping shiugre out of his thoughts. Oh. i guess so. Although i am feeling a little remorseful about parts of it. Shiugre said closing akito's room door. "A little"? Hatori asked. Come on now, doc baby steps. It may not seem like much, but that's quite concession coming from me. Shigure said.
Star held her hand out and smiling at akito. She turned to star and smiled with tears in her eyes. Then she walked up to star side smiling. It's progress, really. Shigure said.

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