Chapter 16 Breaking The News

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Kyo hurry. Look over here. It's a mini isuzu! Star said kneeled infront of a little pony smiling at kyo. Found a pony, huh? It's tiny. Kyo said walking over to star. Uh tiny and cute! Alright, so, which animal should we go visit next? Star asked taking kyo's hand in hers. Depends–what do you wanna see most? Kyo asked smiling at her as he gently squeezed her hand. That's how we're doing it? All right, then, elephants, for sure. Uotani says as she had her hand cover her face from the sun. i wanna see the monkey's. Tohru said with a closed eye smile. why are there no giraffes? Hana asked. Nobody asked you, wheels three,four, and five. Kyo said. What could possible be more important than elephants, you loser? Uotani asked. Monkeys of course! Tohru said. I wanted giraffes. Hana said as the three of them walked over to kyo and star. You should've picked a better spot for your first date, like an amusement park. Someplace more exciting and – ah! Uotani shouted making star just glare at her. Okay, that's enough. Stop shouting, will you? Kyo said calmly sighing. I know what the problem is. You think heights are scary, don't ya? (bleep)- shriveling and (bleep)-tightening! Uotani said pointing at kyo. Arisa! Star shouted. Are you crazy?! You can't go around yelling stuff like that in public! Kyo shouted with a blush on his face. While tohru started freaking out. Giraffes. Hana said. Star scratched her head in frustration then noticed something fun. Hey, look at that. The sign says we can pet cats. That sounds like fun. Star said as she pointed at the sign. Yeah, elephants are cool, but cats aren't bad. Uotani said sliding over placing her hand on star's head. I like cats let's go. Tohru said hugging star's side. You do risk showing your panties when you bend down to pet them, but they're worth it, aren't they? Hana said appearing at star side with a closed eye smile. I hate them. Kyo mumbled under his breath. You guys, kyo didn't pick this. I'm actually the one who asked him if we could come to the zoo. Star said bumping uotani with elbow gently. Oh. we're not being serious. Just can't pass up the opportunity to tease him. I'm all about the zoo. It's nice and relaxed. Maybe we can get ice cream later. Uotani said as the four of them started walking away. Yeah ice cream! Tohru said happily. Giraffe-less places are perfectly acceptable, too. Hana said. Kyo stayed where he was dumbfounded.
At the cat place
Aww, cats! Damn, but you're adorable. Uotani said as she held her hand out to them. Star was kneeled next to her looking at the cats. They're all so precious. Star squealed holding one. Huh? Hey, kyon. Uotani called making kyo look up. What? Kyo asked. Look at that. Uotani said pointing to hana. She sat with a black cat in her arms purdericing an evil arora. A black cat. Of course. Kyo said. It's like her familiar. Uotani said chuckling. Hm? Kyo looked over at a brown and white cat that was staring at him. Then it walked away from kyo. He watched it go then leaned back looking away from the cats. Star walked over with a gray cat in her arms sitting next to kyo. Star giggles as she rubbed the cats fur. Kyo looked over at her making star look up at him. She smiled hugging the cat closer.
Kyo: that day, i watched silently as star picked up the beads of the bracelet i'd ripped off. I don't know why she did that. Maybe picking them up was her way of protecting me, both my current and future selves. What i do know, is that loving someone isn't simple. It means embracing their yesterdays and tomorrows, too.

Not just loving the person they are today

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Not just loving the person they are today.
At the end of the day
Uotani stretched her arms. We did some serious walking. Uotani said while tohru nodded her hand as her arm was linked with stars. It was quite enjoyable, though. Hana said. Yeah, i had a great time! Star said. If you guys don't mind, i'm gonna stop by the restroom before we leave. Tohru said pointing to the bathroom. You okay on your own? Uotani asked. Oh now that i think about it me too i'll come with. Star said winking at uotani giving her a thumbs up. Will be right back. Tohru said pulling star along to the bathroom. Kyo sighed as he was hunched over. Man, i'm beat. What's her secret? She always dresses like that, but i've never seen her so much as break a sweat. How is that even possible? Kyo asked in his mind as he stared at hana. Hana turned to him slightly. Through sheer force of will. Hana said. I told you no reading my mind, goth girl! Hana full turned to kyo making him step back. Hm? What's up? Kyo asked. You're going to take her away–away from us. Yes. i thought as much. I knew this day would come sooner or later, and here it is. But still... it's selfish. Hana said making kyo feel bad. Uh. sorr– it's just that, i need– tell ya what. Hana looked up with a scary look on her face. I'll forgive you as soon as you start calling me "mama." hana said glaring at kyo as her hair flowled around. So, over my dead body, i guess? Kyo asked in pure confusison. Hey, we've had our fun. Why don't we cut the poor guy some slack? Uotani said patting hana's head. Oh, drat. Hana said. "Drat"? Really? Kyo asked in his mind as half his face turned blue. Hey, kyon. We do actually like you, believe it or not. Sure, you're dumb, but you're also a good guy and hard to hate. Uotani said as she side hugged hana. Still dumb, though. Hana said. Yep. totally dumb. Uotani agreed making kyo sigh. Listen. Star is our people. Our friend. Our family. So, all joking aside, we're counting on you to take care of her. Uotani said as kyo gave her a determined look.

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