(Cookie Run) ビターチョコデコレーション | Espresso x Madeleine (Angst/Hurt-Comfort)

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(i have a headcanon that madeleine's ego is mostly fake for his family)

(tw: ooc)

(madeleine kinning mafuyu 😊)

"Celebrate the love you lost with bitter choco decoration..

Love is in the air, indulge in bitter choco decoration..."

[+] Espresso's POV [+]

I have noticed something wrong with Madeline. No, I dont worry for him. I was just observing him. He seems to smile less and it feels like he's faking it. I shouldnt worry about him right now. I need to do my studies. However when I did my studies, Madeline opened the door.

"What do you want."

"Just checking on you!"

"Go away, I'm busy."

"Hey, you also need sleep!"

Why does look cute when he's mad- snap out of it. You. hate. him.

"I dont."

"Yes you do!" He pouts.

"Here let me carry you-"

Madeline picks me up (bridal style, espresso doesnt know this) and carries me to bed. He then tucks me in. For some reason my face is hot. Probably just the room. He then leaves. My brain rejects me staying awake and I fall asleep.

[+] Madeline POV [+]

After I put Espresso to sleep because I care about him, I go to my house and in my room. I sigh. Why cant I be myself? I hate this ego. No wonder Espresso hates me. But this is for my aunties, my family. I cant let them down. They'd be even more disappointed if they found out I'm gay. I hop in my bed and cry. I wished he'd love me... If only I can be myself... After a while, I stop crying, rub my eyes and look in the mirror. My so-called cobalt eyes are dark and empty. I sigh and figure out a way to fix this. Fake. your. ego. Smile. You're doing this for everyone. No one will love you if you're a loser. I go outside and fake my personality. I try my best not to crying in front of anyone. Especially Espresso. I go to his house to check on him. He seems awake working again.

"How was your sleep?"

"Good I guess..."

"Thats great!"

"Quick question Madeline."

Does he know? He cant know..

"Why do I feel like your faking your ego?"

I panic and sweat.

"I dont fake it! Its part of my personality!"

I tried so hard not to cry. Will he hate me even more?

I show off a fake smile. Espresso seems like he can see it.

"I got to go Espresso!"

He grabbed my hand. He looks mad and worried. Espresso being worried about me? Thats new.

"Tell me whats wrong." He says in a serious voice.

I cant speak.. He'll hate me if he finds out.

I sigh and tell him about how I fake my ego.

I start to cry knowing he'll hate me.

[+] Espresso POV [+]

I curse myself as I see his face. A part of me wants to comfort him... I hate myself and my brain and hug him. Me hugging Madeline seems impossible. He seems surprised about it. He hugs back. My face grows really red. Why do I enjoy this? 

"Do you feel better now.." I mumbled.


"I dont have to guts to say this, but I love you Espresso."

My heart races. I blushed. I then cover my face and mumble, "I love you too Madeline..."

Madeline unexpectedly kisses my cheek. Is this a dream? I blushed a lot. We became a happy couple since then.

(530 words, new record)

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