Chapter 5

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The ghost of consequence was an interesting type of character. How did someone this not bad get to be so evil? What would make someone want to have others tremble from things they did even when he did THE SAME STUFF!

Still, he didn't seem to scare her as much as the previous ghost. He was calmly leading the group through the world and it was as peaceful as ever. Well, except for the figure following them that only she could see.

Winter's awkward ghost seemed to be giving her signals, but she had no idea what they were. What was he trying to tell her that he couldn't say when she died as well. Seeing a ghost was awkward enough that she didn't need to see her old friends one as well. Was a moment away from him too much to ask?

"I wish he'd just go away and leave me be. Sure I miss him, but not this much!"

She tried to pull herself together so that she could see the other events that were going on. The Ghost of Consequence seemed to be taking them to an abandoned garage and Moon was curious as of why.

He set the group down and led them inside very cautiously. Whatever he was here to show them, it didn't seem to be all that comforting. Moon could tell from her friends expressions that they were thinking the same things.

As they walked in, Moon saw that Winter was acting as if this place was familiar. Why was he being so weird lately and why did he come back now after all of this had happened. What was so weird about all of this since he was one weird one?

"What is going on here? Maybe I can find out after this is over."

"This is the garage where Winter was last seen." the ghost explained. "He was trying to get away from the horrible life he faced. The horrible life he had with you guys and it led him to die."

Winter had a scowl on his face as if he was certain this ghost was lying and Moon was wondering if she should trust any of these ghosts.

"If one is wrong, then how many of the others will be? Plus, why are they lying if they want the truth out? How many other things that they've said are false?"

"This is one consequence that came out of your harsh actions toward your supposed friend." Consequence continued. "If you had been nicer to one Winter, he may still be here and you wouldn't be here right now, correct?"

"Maybe..." everyone except Moon sighed at once.

The ghost proceeded to look at Moon, making her feel very uncomfortable. Should she say something she didn't believe and be a liar as well or play along? What was the right call to make in this instance?

She looked over at Winter for advice considering this whole debate was about him in the first place. He gave her a faint nod of the head and she proceeded to play along with the ghost.

"That may be true. What else did we do wrong your royal highnesses?"

He gave her a frown and her friends gave her some interested glances. Sure she had to play along, but she couldn't be totally on board. She even caught Winter trying so hard not to laugh his head off. She rolled her eyes and they headed off too their next stop.

Moon almost immediately knew where they were heading as she saw her surroundings. Huge, glorious building, multiple body guards, and a sniveling mayor who no one liked in the entire world! This was the Mayor Snowfall's office.

Moon didn't know why they were here, but she did know that Snowfall was Winters cousin and had the same attitude. Why did they need to be here was the only question she had no idea of.

She tossed a curious glance at Winter and he just shrugged in bewilderment. If he didn't know why they were here either, then what was the purpose? Why did the ghosts care if Winter himself didn't?

"I'm getting more annoyed with them by the second!"

"This, is going to be a problem for you kids soon." Consequence explained. "Mayor Snowfall is angered in her cousins death and blames you kids for it. She may have you even put in jail for your actions."

Moons friends all lowered their heads in guilt and made Moons temper shoot through the roof. She wasn't going to let this ghost ruin any more of her life. It was time she put a stop to all of this.

"You're false!" she screamed. "Winter would never want this and you have no real idea to help him! He doesn't even believe any of this happened. Now take us back!"

The ghost seemed a bit taken back for a few moments, but proceeded to take them back to where they started. Once he did, he vanished like his partner and her friends gave her looks of horror and dismay.

"Why would you say that!" Kinkajou yelled. "That ghosts was trying to help us and you pushed him away! I know you and Winter had problems, but that was over the top, Moon! I'm out of here!"

Everyone exited the house in anger and Moon was left on the porch to weep. She'd lost Winter, her easy life, and now the rest of her friends. She had nothing except... Winter's ghost! Maybe he could help her get through this by EXPLAINING WHY HE WAS HERE!

She ran through the house to find the couch, and discovered him laying on the couch in wait. He looked ragged, confused, and ready to talk after waiting all day for his moment. Why her though didn't make all that much sense.

"Hello, Winter." she said as calmly as possible. "So, your back from the dead or something?"

"Not quite." he laughed. "And nice to see you too."

She bombarded him with questions of why he was here and other topics. Why or how did he die? Why was he back now after all of this? Why we're the ghosts trying to help him when he didn't even want it?

"Ok." he said. "So, I was walking toward a garage because a buddy of mine had asked me to come. When I got inside, I felt something hit me on the head and it all went black. Next thing I knew, I was a dead spirit and have now been trying to find someone to help me figure out all of this. You were the only one who could see me though. So, I've followed you all day trying to talk, but I assumed that saying stuff in front of the ghost would attract too much attention. And no, I don't know who the ghosts are or what the deal is. However, I do think they're the ones who knocked me out at the garage."

"Huh. Well maybe we can find out more as this goes along."

Ghosts of Guilt-A WOF fanfiction- By L.AndyWhere stories live. Discover now