Chapter 1

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Moonwatcher was grieving in her house along with her friends. Their friend, Winter, had just mysterious died with no trace of why. They were all quiet sad, but she was in total peril.

I never got too see him again. Why did he have to be taken now?

"I wish he could have come back to the school first." Kinkajou whined. "He was supposed to come back tomorrow! Just a couple more days!"

Turtle put his hands over her shoulder in affection. While the muscular prince of the distant Seadom kingdom didn't say anything, Moon could see he was in just as much grief. 

"Riptides having a memorial for him at where they're staying." Qibli said. "We could head down their for it. Schools canceled for the week anyway."

"Ok." Kinkajou cried. 


Moons friend looked at her in wait for a reply. She didn't know if going would be the greatest idea, but didn't complain.

So, they headed out for the Talons of Peace. The group was staying at the Diamond river and Moon could see them from miles. They were clustered around a icy-white shape she guessed was Winter.

He looks so crippled. True, he is dead.

They stopped down on the ground in sync. Riptide padded over to them with a look of sorrow on  his face. He didn't look like Winters death was something his troop liked either.

"Greetings." he said. "I see your here for his death memorial as well."

"Yes sir."

They took their places as it started. Riptide walked up to a nearby rock and started his speech.

"Winter Crowner was a great friend to many." he said. "He grew up a little stuck up and acted a little more special than most thought he was. Then, he found a great something and changed his life around."

Riptide gave Moon and her friends a wink and then continued.

"He came to the Talons and gave us hope. He gave us intelligence. Most importantly though, he gave us a new friend. His death is heartbreaking and hopefully we will see him again in spirit."

As he sat down, Qibli walked up to the rock next. He looked almost to devastated to speak, but did the job with courage.

"Winter was a person who I knew very well. He was my friend, someone I relied on, and a guy I will never forget. He gave everyone hope in dire situations and helped people in bad times."

More dragons went up to the rock to give speeches of impact. It felt like forever, but finally it was Moons turn. She went up to the rock and looked down at the hundreds of dragons below. 

"Winter was someone I consider one of the greatest to ever live here in this quaint continent." she began. "Even when the universe turned its back on him, he continued with courage. When he was hurt, he went on. I'd never seen someone with a positive energy like that. I hope that none of us here today forget Winter the Great."

As the dragons dispersed, Moon and her friends started their journey back to Jade Mountain. When they arrived, Moon collapsed onto her sleeping place as night came for her.

She looked around at her surroundings. Nothing but emptiness for miles as she could see. Why was she here? Was she dead?

"Hello, Moonwatcher." a voice called.

She spun around to see a fuzzy white shape behind her. She couldn't tell that this was someone familiar, which made her more nervous. Then who was this?

"My name is the Ghost of Regret." it continued. "I come to people to show them regrets they have in life. Your reason for this untimely trial is the death of Winter. I will show you the mistakes you've made against him that lead to lifetime regret."

No! I don't want to relive my times with Winter!

The ghost started Moons journey to her first memory, the explosion at Jade Mountain.

Well, here we go.

Ghosts of Guilt-A WOF fanfiction- By L.AndyWhere stories live. Discover now