Chapter 4

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School was starting up and Moon was ready for the coming day. She needed to talk to Qibli or Kinkajou and learn if they knew anything. Would they though?

She shrugged her shoulders and kept walking down to the school campus. What would they think when she told them all of this? She had said some pretty unbelievable stuff before, but this was off the charts even for her.

"And why would they be after me? What did I do that would require this much?"

Finally, she spotted her friends and rushed over in a panic. As they saw her, their faces seemed to spark with worry about her attitude. She could also see that Qibli seemed to be rushed over to her which was NOT WHAT SHE NEEDED!!! She had news not a cry for comfort from her amazing boyfriend. That was not it you doofuses!

"Moon! What's going on?"

She took a minute of heaving from the long run. How was she going to put her grave situation into words? How was she supposed to tell Qibli and the others of the horrid things she had seen the past little bit? Then, an idea hit her as suddenly as anything ever.

"I'll tell you, but you'll have to come to my house later today." she gasped.

The idea she had was maybe if they saw the ghosts as well, it would make more sense to them. After all, what did she have to lose now that she was going through this? What would happen next?

Moon and the others had a very quite school day as most of them were anxious for the night. Moon knew that her friends wanted to know the truth, but there was no way she could tell them without giving them a sign of proof. Plus, it had been a while since they'd as a group been to her house for a big event. This would be a cool thing to do as well as scary for she new who she would most likely face and what would happen because of it.

As she continued her history assignment on WW1, she noticed something out of the corner of her eye. A chill ran down her spine as she somehow just noticed a boy sitting next to her and working as well. He wore a blue hoodie so she couldn't see his face, but something about him was oddly familiar.

"How did I not notice him until just now? When did he come in and who is he? I'm sure I'd recognize everyone by now. Right?"

Then, as if he sensed her looking at him, he spun around and faced her like someone who was scared of nothing and never would be. She was shocked at who was facing him with fire burning eyes and wanted to crawl away. Winter!

He starred her down with his icy blue eyes and then vanished from his seat without a trace. Moon was in such a state of shock that it took a minute for the obvious thought to cross her mind.

"I'm probably daydreaming. Winter's gone and that is that. He'll never come back."

The bell rang and she hopped out of her desk in a hurry. It was time she and her friends headed over to the house to witness something that still terrified Moon more than ever before. Well, except for Winters ghost.

It was time to witness the ghosts of guilt!

Moon and her friends drove to the house as fast as lightning. It seemed that they wanted to witness this event even through the mystery of not knowing it yet. Qibli was even scaring Moon a little with his reckless driving pattern.

Then, when they reached the house, the group ran out the car and started to gag on the ground. Kinkajou even gave Qibli a huge yelling on his driving and he laughed in embarrassment. Now it was time for the ghosts.

Moon led them into the house and for an hour they waited for what she had to tell.

"What are we seeing?" Kinakjou even asked. "Because if we're just going to wait here for eternity then no thank you! I have things to do and they require me to be at the house. That, and mom is going to kill me if I'm not back by seven.

"Just wai-" Moon started before stopping at a sight she was trying to avoid.

Winter's ghost was in the room with them and seemed to be starring her down with eyes of evil. Whatever he wanted, she was his primary target and was going to help the ghosts in scarring her for eternity as well.

"You ok?" Qibli asked, bringing her back.

"Uh yeah. THERE!"

Moon pointed as another ghost popped into the room. Everyone seemed to see it as they all jumped back in surprise. Moon felt a little bad for them, but it was more important that they saw it.

"This is the Ghost of Consequence." she explained. "I was recently visited by its partner and he's here to lecture me on Winters death and you guys now know why I've been a little twitchy."

The ghost chuckled at her remark.

"Quite good, Moon. And I actually needed all of you here for this one so thank you. Now, up and away!"

The ghost took them all to its first stop and Moon's mind started to panic.

"I just brought my friends into something horrible! Was this the right call for me to make?"

Ghosts of Guilt-A WOF fanfiction- By L.AndyWhere stories live. Discover now