☠︎︎You should have never tried☠︎︎Hisoka

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1862 words ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The adrenaline rushing through your body was almost unbearable as you bounded down the gravel road leading from Hisoka's house. The rock dug into the soft soles of your bare feet yet the pain was a mere afterthought compared to the anxiety you felt. You had calculated your escape for weeks now. Timing the footsteps from the room you were forced to share with Hisoka leading to the front door. Contemplating how fast you could unlock all of the locks on the door before you could slip out. Wondering how long you had until he realized you were gone.

It had been a painfully long while for him to let his guard down. It took you bearing the weight of the perfect darling that he wanted you to be. The little pet that he had been coaxing you into. You accepted his love and reciprocated. Of course he was skeptical at first and not much of your circumstance changed with our change of behavior, but slowly he would begin to let his guard down. He wasn't so adamant about locking the doors to the interior rooms as he first was, and he even let you spend time in some of them alone. He also started trusting you with small cutlery and glass cups instead of the childish plastic ones he provided you with originally. He became satisfied with his work; you being his little project. He became happy with the little darling that was at his disposal constantly. You became sweet and submission. He became sloppy.

Hisoka was a man of habit and one of his many was his strict bedtime. He went to bed so early and of course, he always had you in bed next to him with an arm draped over your waist. He slept pretty sound and hardly moved, keeping you locked in his embrace. You began to make a routine of getting up in the night to use the bathroom. At first he would sit up alert in bed while you went to the bathroom, waiting for you to come back into his arms. As the nights went on though, it became less of an ordeal until he didn't wake up from it at all. That's when you had taken your chance.

You gently picked up the ring of keys that he kept in his beside table drawer, clutching them in your sweating hand so they wouldn't clink together.

'Okay now for the bedroom door' you had thought to yourself, talking yourself through the process so you wouldn't begin to panic.

You made your way over to bedroom door and slowly turned the knob, slowly pulling the door open just enough for you to slip through. Another hurdle cleared. Now for the big task.

You had watched Hisoka lock and unlock the locks attached to the front door for weeks now, memorizing what key went with which lock. Another deep breath. You inserted the first key and turned with a click. As you unlocked each lock you could feel the rush through your body. You were so close. As the last lock unlatched you gripped the handle and waited for a few seconds. You knew the moment that this door opened, the alarm would set off and you would have to make the most of the seconds head start that you had made for yourself. This entire plan was risky for you and you knew if you failed any chance of escape would be gone forever. However, if you succeeded you would finally be free from him.


This is how you got to where you were now. Running for your life down the gravel driveway and onto the main road as the house alarm blared behind you. It wouldn't be long now. You had to get away. To where you had no idea, but you were desperate. As you made it to the main road you prayed that a car would come by and maybe you could convince them to give you a ride into the city. But Hisoka was smart and had picked this home for a reason. It was secluded outside of the city and brushed up against the forest.


You shuddered at the rage behind his voice as he screamed for you. A small squeak escaped your voice and without thinking you bolted for the trees, running as hard as you could until you were panting in desperation for air. You could hear explosions in the distance as he called for you. His footsteps were so heavy, and you could hear the crunching of gravel.

𝑯𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒌𝒂,𝑰𝒍𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒊 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒐 𝑿 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now