Harry's Girl

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  • Dedicated to Tasha

Harry (POV) (walking into dressing room) 

I can't believe I'm busy on my girlfriend's birthday. I want to take her out but Paul says we have to get to the next place.  

We've been together for two years. She has the most beautiful hazel eyes that shine when she smiles and her hair that is shoulder length curls which frames her beautiful face so well. 

I can't wait a until next month when I can give her her birthday present.  

I walked in to the dressing room, and I looked at Lou.   He was trying to wake up a gir.l I think her name was Clair. Her sister or friend is yelling at Lou. 

"Just leave her alone! Let her sleep" 

"What if she doesn't wake up" 

" Lou, don't think that way" 


"Lou, no buts"  

I decide to step in " Hey guys shut up!"   I yelled, and  they looked at me like I was stupid. 

"Shhhhh you'll wake her"  I think her name is Ellie whispered yelled. 

" And your fight wouldn't" 

"Hazza tell Ellie that we should wake Clair" 

"Boo Bear, Ellie's right; let her sleep.  She will wake up on her own" 

With that being said Lou looked at Ellie and sat down on the floor next to Clair. I turned around to walk back out the door when I ran into Liam. 

"Hey, I was looking for you Li" 

"What do you need Hazza?" 

"I need help on what to get Katie for her birthday" 

" Get her some type of jewelry; girls like jewelry" 

" Thanks Li" 

" No problem Hazza." He walked out of the room probably forgetting what he went in there for. I followed him out the door, but I turned the opposite way. Now, I need to find Zayn. I think he went this way. His girlfriend was here. He's lucky he gets to see his girl. Damn, I wish mine was here. I got it I'll invite her to go on tour with us. I'll have to ask Simon and Paul, but she would like that. That's a great birthday present I'll get her a necklace too. 

Clair (POV) 

God, my head hurts. I sit up and see my sister on the sofa. I wonder where the boys are. Just as I though that the boys walked in. 

" You're awake, Clair" Lou said.

"Ya but my head hurts. Do you have any aspirin?" 

" Ya I think so.  Zayn, can you go get some?" 

"Sure I'll be back in a second" as he walked out the boys began to sit down, so I scooted over so there was more room. Lou sat next to me and Harry next to him. Then, Liam sat next to Niall and How was next to Ellie. Then Zayn walked in and handed me some pills and water. I took the pills, he went and sat on the other side of Ellie. We sat and talked for awhile then Paul walked in. 

"Time to go" 

"Awww" the boys wined.

"What are Ellie and Clair going to do?" Lou asked. 

"They can stay in here until sound check is over."  said Paul.

Paul walked out and the boys followed. He left us in the room by ourselves and with FOOD!!!!

Yay that's longer.   Hope you enjoyed it. Bye, my little cupcakes.

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