When the other orcs saw his reaction, they couldn't help laughing, and the atmosphere that was still a little dignified instantly disappeared. Bai Er was a little helpless, thinking that even if I really wanted to send you out quickly, I wouldn't force you on this lifelong event.

"I heard that because they were afraid of the orcs escaping and turning into beasts to resist, they were all pierced through the bones of their shoulders by a strange black chain. Rarely." Sa laughed before answering in a deep voice, when talking about building a high wall with stones, he couldn't help but glance at Bai'er, obviously having the same suspicion as Bai'er. "Those two sub-beasts are very scared, and it seems they don't want to go back."

Passing a chain through the pipa bone and doing hard labor... This method is really cruel. Bai Er narrowed his eyes, even though he had never treated prisoners like this before.

"They don't want to save their partners and children?" he asked in a low voice, his eyes couldn't help falling to Yun, who had only two black holes in his eyes, suddenly feeling a little sad. Niya's mother was an Asian beast from a foreign tribe in the south, and Nia was able to drop the blind Yun and the young Mu, so the others were probably the same.

No one answered this time. Being asked so easily, it may be because these Asian beasts have never experienced such a thing, and secondly, why is it that the status of their partners and children in their hearts is not so important.

In the past, it was often heard that being a mother is stronger, so why do Asian beasts in this world regard their own lives as more important than their children? Bai Er has never thought about this problem.

"We put the three sub-beasts back, and told the others that they were fine. We were the only ones who knew about it. As for the others, it's better not to tell them for the time being, lest they reject him. A few sub-beasts. We will pay more attention in the future." Tu saw Bai'er's expression was not very good, so he interrupted. "As for the training and management of Asian beasts, you may still need to do it." It would be too ugly to have orcs train Asian beasts.

In this regard, Bai Er did not refuse. While there was still some time before dinner, he got up and walked towards the sub-beasts. After taking a few steps, he found that Tu was following behind him, and he couldn't help asking, "Are you still doing something?"

"I want to see how you do it, and I might be able to use it later." The picture shows that it is easy to learn. At the end, he did not forget to remind the other party: "You promised to teach us."

Bai Er was silent, turned his head and continued to walk forward, but he didn't know that the orc behind him had a successful smile on his face.

"Before you got my approval, you were all just slave beasts that we exchanged with Black Stone." Bai Er said slowly, looking at the Asian beasts who had different expressions because of his arrival. "Don't think that as long as you find a mate in our tribe, you can become people of equal status with us. Since the eagle master can sell you once, then I can also sell you a second time, a third time."

Hearing him If so, the Asian beasts showed despair on their faces. If only Bai'er came here to tell them this, they might still be lucky, but there was an orc standing behind Bai'er, and from what happened in the afternoon, it can be seen that he should be regarded as the leader of the orc. Then they would have to take his word for it.

"Now, stretch out your hands." Bai Er saw that Ma Wei's effect was not bad, so he ordered.

With a pair of hands stretched out, Bai Er picked out his hands rough and calloused, there were only twenty-three people in total. Most of the others are tender and do not seem to be alive.

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