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Chapter 1 is alive again


Xiao Mo was woken up by the cold. He opened his lead-heavy eyelids and looked at the dim space in front of him, unable to remember where he was, until the ubiquitous cold and fiery hunger forced him to wake up completely. Then he was shocked, and looked up at the place where he was almost in horror.

It was a small and dilapidated animal skin tent, and the cold wind poured in from the crack, making people feel like an ice cellar. There was a cold fire pit in the tent, and next to it were the skulls of two animals, one large and one small, as well as a dirty animal skin bag, a stone knife, and a few scattered animal bones.

This is really... dizzy, dry throat, hot breathing, and obviously weak body, Xiao Mo has no energy to express his emotions about what he saw. He finally sat up, only to realize that he was only wrapped in a Hard and cold hide, with no strands inside.

No wonder it's not cold. Without complaining, he struggled to move towards the two skulls that looked like they were holding food. When he got closer, he realized that only the larger one had a small amount of water in it. At this time, a thin layer of ice had already formed on it. Sighing silently, he broke the ice and forced two sips of water to ease the thirst in his mouth. Looking for food, but there is no, the animal skin bag is only half the palm of the palm of the big pinch of black salt.

My mind was throbbing, and countless pictures came one after another. Too much information made my already weak body almost unbearable, and my eyes went black. Xiao Mo did not allow himself to pass out, but suppressed the desire to find out with his tenacious and strong will, then wrapped the animal skin on his body tightly, and then draped the animal skin blanket under him. Picking up the stone knife, he staggered out of the tent barefoot. He knew that if he didn't find something to eat, the life he finally picked up would soon disappear like the original owner. Snowflakes were flying outside, and the distance was blurry, making it difficult to see the road. As soon as his feet stepped on the snow, the biting coldness immediately passed from the soles of his feet.

Xiao Mo originally wanted to see if there was anyone around him who could help him, but he was dissuaded by the sudden resistance and sadness in his body. Some understand the reason why the original owner starved to death. Since you can't ask for help, you can only rely on yourself.

He found a broken wooden stick nearby to support his weak body. Against the cold wind and heavy snow, he walked slowly towards the west of the tribe. At this time, hunting is impossible, not to mention whether or not the prey can be found, even if he finds it, he has no strength to catch it, so he can only see if he can fish something out of the water. Although he tried his best to suppress the original owner's memory, common sense things like the location of the river near the tribe can be found instinctively without special recall.

On the way, I passed several tents, some of which were dilapidated and shabby, and some were thick and dense, but without exception, they were all better than the tent where the original owner was. When Xiao Mo passed by, he could not help coughing occasionally, and no one opened the tent to take a look. Are the people here too indifferent, or are the original owners too unwelcoming? He had a moment of doubt, but the next moment, his feet and body, which had been frozen unconscious, regained his mind, and supported the wooden stick to speed up. When I reached the river, I didn't meet half a person. I think it's true. In such a cold weather, as long as he was not forced into a corner like him, who would want to go out. The river was more than 30 feet wide, and there was a thick layer of ice on it. The surrounding thick trees and low shrubs were covered with a layer of plain snow, and there was no trace of green in sight, let alone food. Xiao Mo didn't waste any time, he found a thin ice spot, picked up the stone knife and smashed it open. Because the hand was weak, it took a while to break a hole the size of the mouth of a bowl, which also caused a noise from the woods across the river. He looked up and found that it was a huge black wolf with long hair. He couldn't help but be surprised. Before he had time to be alert, a name popped into his mind. sa. At that moment, he was stunned, and he didn't understand how he thought that the wolf was actually a person and was on duty. Fortunately, when the black wolf saw it was him, he turned indifferently into the opposite woods and disappeared.

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