27 | Fleeing the country

Start from the beginning

"What do you want? I told you, I done with you." again I sound bored and annoyed.

"I've lied to you, Scarlett." he confesses, "I feel like you should know."

"Oh, surprise! The abandoning father lies." I feign surprise in a high squeaky voice marking him, only to suddenly stop and stare angrily at him, my feigned humour gone "I don't care, Cole."

"I'm not you father, Skye." He lets out. Oh.


"I'm not your father." he repeats. My mind is working at a snail's pace.

"I heard you," I say, "If you're not, then who is?"

"Your father is gone, Skye." I blink, what? "He's been gone for 23 years. I'm your uncle, your father's twin brother." thanks for the info....

I am pretty sure my jaw has dropped.

"Your father never had good luck with cars.. Never did.." Cole's eyes darken, as if he sudden saw reminiscents of the past. "He rode himself into tree, before you were born."

"Why are you telling me this? No, better yet, why did you pretend to be my father and how can I know that you aren't lying now?"

"You can ask your mother she knows."

"That woman hasn't answered any of my questions since I was three!" I speak with venom in my voice, "I don't think she'll ever give me any answers."

"Then you'll have to trust me."

"Yeah," I give him a thumbs up and a ugly grimace. "That's a little farfetched, isn't it? What was the point, of that.." I nod my head towards the big beige building we just fled, "Why the big charade? I don't see the point."

Cole corrects his collar and sleeve nonchalantly, "Right now, they're airing a commercial. My commercial, It's a big. If goes as planned I will never have to work again."

"So I was pawn, is that it?" My breathing is hollow. It is beyond my comprehension that people, people who calls themselves my family, would stoop to using me like that.

"Smart girl."

"You know, you're pretty darf yourself." I smile and giggle at him, the kind of giggle that makes you sound nuts. "Arranging this whole show, when you just have asked me, to help you."

"Skye, lets go. He is not with it." Jamie warns behind me. A camera crew is rushing towards us.

I stare at the man, who is probably the mirror of real father; I feel a piece fall from my chest to my stomach. Even if my real father is dead, it changes nothing. It didn't matter if my father is dead or alive, he still won't have a place in my life. He is dead to me either way.

"You're right." I turn and get in the car, and just before close door I say, "I don't ever want to see you again, Cole. So I really hope it was worth it." I shut the door hard and then we drive to the flats, gather our things, before we quickly evacuate ourselves across the pond, to London. It doesn't hit me what I have done, what have happened, before we're well out of the country.


Okay, it isn't because London is all that better than LA, but it is. It really is. It's down to earth, the architecture is old and everything is more solid, less fleeing. In LA everything seems to change from one day to the next, heck! Even from one minute to the next. In London everything is solid, unchangeable. It's how I like things.

Growing up my mother had always wanted me to change. Change, change, change. She had wanted it so badly I have ended up despising that word. Or no... I like change if I anticipate it, on the other hand if it grabs me and hurl me into a wall, as change usually does, I am less pleased.

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