Sky: dang.

Springtrap: out of the way dickhead!

(*springtrap pushes bob off the plane*)

Sky: guess we all jump now.

(*after everyone jumps and makes it down to the ground safely*)

Java: well, looks like all of you are ok, so now onto the second part of the challenge.

Eduardo: wait, don't the winning team gets a reward from winning this part.

Java: well, not always Eduardo, but in this part, there will be a prize for winning the part.

Eduardo: oh, ok then.

Java: anyways, under this sheet is paint bombs, these will be recorded for largest explosions in the world, however, if it manages to hit any other part of the film lot, then you will automatically lose the challenge, so be careful with all the paint bombs, now, start building, you all got ten minutes.

(*10 minutes later*)

Java: ok, times up, now it's time to explode this area, now, let's go!

(*after the explosions*)

Java: well, the biggest explosion was close, however, long crawlers manages to beat it by a inch.

Scout: yeah!

GB: so, what's our prize?

Java: well, you guys will be defending this chest, this chest contains something that you all will have to guard with your lives, if you manage to guard it, then you guys win and not only that today's elimination will be a joint elimination by Blu fighters and zombie claws, but you all will get whatever is inside of the chest.

Sniper: and if we don't?

Java: the team who captures the chest will keep whatever is inside of it and you and the other team that didn't manage to get the chest will get to the joint elimination.

Dorkly Tails: wait, how are we supposed to defend it if we're in a plain and open area?

Java: well, originally we were gonna build a castle with many defenses, however, we didn't had enough of the budget cause we spent some of it on whats in the chest, so we just built you a regular castle, now, you guys will have ten minutes to try and defend the chest, I'll go tell the other two teams about it too, goodbye.

(*Java runs away*)

(*meanwhile with zombie claws and Blu fighters*)

Java: ok you two teams, long crawlers are guarding a chest, this will be a free-for-all against you guys, tonight's elimination will be a joint elimination, the only person that will be immune is the person who actually manages to get the chest from long crawlers, your sections will be settled by flags of your team color, dark green for zombie claws and light blue for Blu fighters, so, get ready, I'll be starting the challenge now.

(*Java runs to the middle*)

Java: ok contestants, it's time to start the challenge, get ready cause it's starting in...3...2...1...NOW!

(*a airhorn blasts*)

(*10 minutes later*)

Java: ok teams, I'm back, let's check what happened.

(*after checking what happened*)

Java: well, zombie claws and Blu fighters, since you guys failed to grab the chest, you guys will be heading to the joint elimination.

Tord: dang it!

(*Java runs to the long crawlers*)

(*meanwhile with the long crawlers*)

Funkin Battle Lights Camera ActionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora