ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖

688 11 2


"You created your own limits"

"You created your own limits"

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"Learn to break them"


I snapped out of my thoughts when Gon turned to Satotz-san and asked " Is this where the second phase of the exam takes place?" To which Satotz-san responded "No, we still have quite a way to go." "Oh..." The three of us responded in unison.

Little by little groups of people started to arrive in the wetland, or at least that is what I what I assume this place was. Then the fog started to fade... but just a little bit.

Satotz-san turned to us and started to explain the next task. "The Numere Wetlands, also known as swindlers swamp. We must cross these wetlands to reach phase two of the exam. This place is home to many bizarre animals, many of them being cunning, Insatiable creatures who deceive humans and prey upon them. Be very careful. If you let them fool you... you're dead." The the gate started too close.

"These wetland creatures will use every trick in the book to fool their prey. An ecosystem in which creatures obtain food through deceit... hence the name swindlers swamp. Stay very close to me so you won't be deceived. Immediately after Satotz-san spoke these words a man came around the corner, he looked like he just came out on the wrong side of a fight.

"D-Don't fall for it..." He said, everyone turned to him and everyone gasped or started to murmur. "He's lying to you! He's an impostor! He isn't an examiner... I'm the real examiner." As he said this the murmurs got louder until number 294 was brave enough to ask: "Then who is he?" "looks at this..." The man said dragging something from around the corner that looked like a deformed version of Satotz-san. Everyone gasped. 

"He looks just like Satotz-san" Gon exclaimed.  

"It's a man-faced ape, on elf the creatures that dwell in the numere wetlands! Man-faced apes love the taste of fresh human flesh. However, their limbs are long and thin, so they're quite weak. That's why they disguise themselves as humans. They trick humans into following them into these wetlands, where they team up with other animals to kill and devour them. He intends to trap every single applicant!" When the man finished speaking three cards flew at him and three flew at Satotz-san. The man was unable to catch the cards and they cut into him, he fell to the ground,: he was dead.

Satotz-san on the other hand caught the cards between his fingers with ease.

"I see, I see..." I look around and located where the voice was coming from, It was number 44 Hisoka. "That settles it... You're the real one. Examiners are hunters selected by the committee to preform this duty without pay. Any hunter, bearing the title we seek, would have been able to block that attack." Hisoka explained. "I shall take that as a compliment. However, should you attack me again, for any reason, I will report you for turning on an examiner and you will be immediately disqualified. Are we clear?" Satotz-san asked. "Sure" Hisoka responded. 

The crowing of birds caused everyone to turn and look at the body of the fake examiner. It was a gruesome sight to behold, nature can be brutal sometimes. 

"He was attempting to confuse the applicants, to lure some of them away." Satotz-san explained. "We can't let down our guard." Killua whispered to Gon and me. The both of nodded our heads in response. "You will be encountering such deception on a regular basis. I believe that a number of you were filled into suspecting my identity? Do you understand? If you lose sight of me in the numere wetlands fog, you will never reach the exam's second phase. Do bear that in mind. Then let us be on our way. Please follow me." He said as he started to prance off, disappearing into the foggy wetlands. 

As we pressed on he slowly started to gain speed. "Tsk, another marathon." I heard The taller of Gon's friends say, and in response the blond one said "And we're running through marsh this time. Running on wet ground requires more energy."

We had finally escaped the long, dark tunnel, the next challenge is the numere wetlands, also known as swindlers swamp. The brutal hunter exam continues.

I'm hunting you.  ~yandere HXH~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ