Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


"Soul?" Jake asked.

"Nope, Sol," Miley answered.

"Like your soul or your sole?" Jake asked, pointing at his shoes.

"No, S-O-L. Sol. Superslanic Overarching Lifeforce. It's a multipurpose type of energy that supers can use to protect themselves, or boost their powers. That power boost specifically is called LimitBoost, and most supers have one if they can tap into their Sol reserves. Me though?" Miley started, before closing her eyes as an aura surrounded her, before flashing her eyes blue, red, turquoise, and green.

"I have four different LimitBoosts, which means I have a lot of Sol."

"So, what can you do with it?" Jake asked her.

"I can make my attacks more powerful than usual, and make some kind of shield along my body, for starters," Miley said, looking at Jake.

Jake stared back, before sighing.

"Are you gonna ask me to punch you again?" he asked.

"Mmhmm, just in the arm," Milley nodded, staying still.

Jake looked at his hands, then back at her.

"I won't move this time, I'll only shield," Miley added.



Jake then swung his fist as hard as he could, and Miley didn't flinch. The fist hit her shoulder and Jake saw a slight shimmer of the colors Miley showed him earlier. The colors seemed to flicker on her body, before disappearing.

"See, I'm not hurt," Miley said.

"So you have a forcefield too? That's cool!" Jake exclaimed.

"More like riot gear or armor, but yeah," Miley said, "It comes in handy, and it doesn't drain that much Sol."

"Hmm, What are some other cool things about supers?" Jake asked.

"There are different kinds of supers as well. For example, I'm a Birthright Pure Force superslanic," Miley said, earring a stare from Jake.

"I was born with regular superslanium in my body," Miley explained.

"Oh, there are different kinds? I didn't know that."

"Yeah, a lot of different kinds grow everywhere, but it depends on the region you're in."

"I remember you saying that supers usually lived in neighborhoods with each other, was it organized by what powers you had?"

"Hmm, yes and no. It really depends on where you are. Sometimes you get people with similar powers living around each other, sometimes it's a mix of everything. I know my parent's neighborhood was," Miley explained.

Her parents. Those were probably the people in that picture.

He looked toward her dresser, and saw two thick gold bracelets sitting on it. They had many small jewels embedded in them, and chains attached on either side that hooked to the opposite side.

"What are those?" Jake asked, pointing at them.


"Oh, those are anklets that superslanic girls would wear when they danced," Miley answered, getting up and going over to them.

"Oh, they look pretty," she heard Jake say. She caught the genuine admiration in his voice, but that grim feeling was still eating at her. She could barely even look at the anklets without a guilty feeling slowly rising through her body.

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