Skye Shou: Sorry Not Sorry. You of all people should know that a plot is sometimes needed in novels.

Alyssa Graham:  Whatever, jerkface. That damn chapter better be in my inbox when I wake up tomorrow, or you will face my WRATH. Kthxbai! :D

"She's psychotic..." He muttered to himself with a small smile, closing the window entirely so that he could get back to writing. Pushing his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose, he adjusted himself comfortably on the stool and placed his hands back onto the keyboard, finishing the sentence he was working on before he became distracted. The two characters were in the middle of an intense argument about their relationship and he wanted to describe it in detail. However, the table shook slightly at the fluctuation of weight, causing his hands to shift slightly against the keyboard and create a typo in his sentence. This caught the attention of a few other patrons who also looked over in curiosity.

He glanced past the edge of his laptop, seeing that someone was now sitting across from him, his view of the café and windows now blocked entirely. Annoyed, his concentration having been broken again, he lifted his face to get a better view at the person who decided to perch themselves on a barstool. While the other dwellers had lost interest in this stranger entirely, he found himself staring intently.

A man, no more than a couple years older than himself, was settling down directly across from him, removing his cotton-blend jacket in a soft khaki green past his shoulders to rest on a hook underneath the table. It did not help that he had to slightly crane his neck to look at this guy while he was sitting. He had no idea how he compared with his modest height of 5'7", but this man had to be taller than 6'0" easily.

His crew-neck long-sleeve sweater in a dark grey caused his green eyes to stand out, the brunette shade of his hair a wonderful contrast. His lightly tanned skin tone helped emphasize the strong features of his face, which was almost too perfect to be real. Heavily masculine, his chin and jawline tight and solid, but it also exhibited soft features like his eyelashes, which were a bit longer than usual as they hovered over his colored irises. With a book in hand, he placed himself atop the barstool, opening the hardcover to where a ribbon lay and began reading.

It was becoming incredibly difficult for him to not stare, completely taken aback by just how stunning this man looked. While he had seen many attractive men in his life, this one in particular was just too good to be true.

He has to be a model or something, he thought to himself, his eyes carefully studying every inch of this stranger's face. However, when his eyes had found themselves starting back into the same green ones he had caught sight of earlier, he blinked in surprise, his vision focusing outward fully to see that the man was now staring back at him, a puzzled expression crossing his face.

Embarrassed, he averted his gaze elsewhere in a quick fashion, pushing his glasses back onto his nose once again as he did so. After a few seconds of pretending to be distracted, he glanced back over to see if the man was still starting, only to see that he continued reading. Yet, a very amused smile rested on his kissable lips.

Screw writing. I cannot concentrate anymore. Alyssa will just have to be pissed at me, he concluded to himself thoughtfully, hitting the save button on the word document he was writing before closing the application entirely. Before he even got the chance to close the laptop, another notification appeared on his screen.

Message from Seth Brickman: Hey Skye! I know you are writing your gay fiction shit, and I'm sorry to disturb, but can you stay there for a while longer? I just came back from the bar with some friends, and I picked up this hot chick and I'm bringing her back to the loft. You can be pissy at me later, but I promise I'll make it up to you!

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