Time to Leave For the Ball

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Lady Peasoup, Molly and Pussycat were about to walk out the door and catch the carriage.

"Now, remember. When you're presented to Master Grayson, be sure..." Lady Peasoup began.

"Wait!" Sam's voice called.

She rushed downstairs saying "Please wait for me!"

Then she showed off her dress saying "Isn't it lovely? Do you like it? Do you think it will do?"

"Samantha Pan! How on earth..." Molly shouted.

"Mother, she can't go! Do something!" said Pussycat.

"Girls, please! After all, we did make a bargain. Didn't we, dear Samantha?" said Lady Peasoup.

Then she strutted toward Sam whispering "And I never go back on my word".

Sam backed away as nervousness came to her head.

"How very clever. These beads. They give it just the right touch. Don't you think so, Molly?" said Lady Peasoup.

"No, I don't. I think she's..." Molly began.

Then she looked harder at the beads and said "Oh, why you little thief! They're my beads! Give them here!" 

"Oh no!" said Sam as Molly ripped the beads off her neck.

"Oh, and look! That's my sash! You're wearing my sash!" Pussycat screeched.

The two girls ripped off almost every trimming from Sam's dress.

Soon, the beautiful ball gown was nothing but rags. 

"Girls, girls, girls. That's quite enough. Hurry along now, both of you. I won't have you upsetting yourselves" said Lady Peasoup. 

She took one last look at Sam before leaving and said "Good night".

Knowing that she really couldn't go to the ball now, Sam darted to the back garden and cried her eyes out on a bench. 

Charles Wallace and Calvin followed her and watched sadly.

As she cried, a bunch of magic sparkles floated around Sam and turned into a light that dropped beside her.

The light soon morphed into a woman in a blue robe.

"There's nothing left to believe in. Nothing" Sam cried.

"Nothing, my dear? Now you don't really mean that" said the woman stroking her hair.

"Oh, but I do" said Sam.

"Nonsense, child. If you'd lost all your faith, I couldn't be here. And here I am" 

Sam looked up at the woman and gasped in shock.

"Oh, come now. Dry those tears. You can't go to the ball looking like that" said the woman.

"The ball? Oh, but I'm not" said Sam.

"Of course you are. But we'll have to hurry. Because even miracles take a little time" 


"Mm-hmm. Watch"

But the woman realized that she was holding nothing in her hand.

"What in the world did I do with that magic wand? I was sure I had it"

"Magic wand?" said Sam.

"That's strange"

"Why, then you must be..."

"Your fairy godmother? Of course"

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