Making the Dress

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Charles Wallace and Calvin found Pussycat's pink sash on the floor. 

It was just the right color for the dress and long enough to fit around the skirt.

"We can use this, Charles Wallace" said Calvin.

"We sure can. What else?" said Charles Wallace.

Calvin looked around and saw Molly's beads on the floor.

He raised his eyebrows and gestured for Charles Wallace.

"Ooh! Beads! They're pretty beads" said Charles Wallace.

"They sure are. When Sam wears those beads with that dress, the other girls at the ball will look at their own dresses and barf" said Calvin.

"Oh yeah!" Charles Wallace agreed.

The boys stole the beads and the sash and took them back to the attic. 

They sewed the sash around the dress's new loosened skirt, replaced the puffy sleeves with white straps and tied a bow around the top. 

The dress was finished just in time. It was now eight o'clock and the ball was about to begin.

A carriage arrived at Lady Peasoup's house to collect her and her daughters.

Sam knocked on the bedroom door and Peasoup answered saying "Yes?"

"The carriage is here" said Sam.

"Why, Samantha. You're not ready, child" said Lady Peasoup.

"I'm not going" said Sam.

"Not going? Oh, what a shame. But of course, there will be other times" said Lady Peasoup.

"Yes. Good night" said Sam.

Sadly, she climbed the stairs to her room. 

Calvin approached her and said "You okay, Sam?"

"I guess. Have you ever been to a ball, Calvin?" said Sam.

"I can't say I have. But I hear they're wonderful" said Calvin.

"Yeah. A ball at Wayne Manor would have been even more wonderful. But I can't go" said Sam.

"You can't? I find that hard to believe" said Calvin.

"What do you mean?" said Sam.

Calvin led her to her dresser and Charles Wallace opened it to reveal the newly refurbished dress.

"Surprise, Sam!" said Calvin.

"We finished your dress for you" said Charles Wallace.

"Wow! It's never looked so beautiful! How can I ever thank you two enough?" said Sam.

"You don't have to. It's what we do" said Calvin.

Then Sam hurried to put on the gown and reach the carriage before it left. 

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