Bonus Chapter: 'Happy Recruiting!'

Start from the beginning

Y/N: If they try to take over as leader... Then they can fuck off.

Rebecca: Yeah....Sounds good to me.

You both get on the bike and you drive Rebecca to Kabuki.

(Timeskip - An hour later)

Y/N: I love you.

Rebecca leans her face towards you. You slide your mask up and lean in expecting a kiss. Instead you get a boop on the nose. She grins as you stare at her unamused.

Rebecca: If you do a good job... I'll give you a treat later.

Rebecca starts walking off.

Y/N: I'm not a dog!

Rebecca: You'll always be my bitch... Shadow!

You mumble to yourself as you slide the mask back down. You drive off heading for the badlands.

Rebecca walks through the streets when she receives a call from Lucy.

Rebecca (Call): Hey Lucy... What's up?

Lucy (Call): I just want to inform you that me and David won't be able to answer any calls for a while.

Rebecca (Call): Why? You going for a romantic getaway?

Rebecca grins.

Lucy (Call): No... We're going undercover.

Rebecca (Call): Undercover? This a job for Rogue?

Lucy (Call): Not exactly... I can't tell you anymore. I'll contact you when the job is done. Please tell Y/N for me.

Rebecca (Call): Sure... Have fun and don't die.

Lucy (Call): You too.

Lucy ends the call and Rebecca continues walking when she spots several Tyger Claws driving past at fast speeds.

Rebecca: Follow the Tygers... And I'll find a pyro.

Rebecca smirks to herself and rushes in the direction of the Tyger Claws.

(Timeskip - Fifteen minutes later)

It didn't take long but Rebecca finally caught up to see flames shooting out of a window setting the Tygers on fire. Rebecca stares in awe.

Rebecca: Well shit... They're no joke.

Rebecca crouches down and begins sneaking her way round the surviving Tygers. She makes her way to the back of the building and walks in. She notices a trip wire and carefully steps over it. She then walks up the stairs. She hears laughter from inside a room. She knocks on the door.

Rebecca: Yo... I'm Rebecca and I was wondering...

The door is kicked open. The door slams into Rebecca's face knocking her back. She looks up to see a woman with hair like flames.

Rebecca: Hey!

Pyro: What you want?!

Rebecca: You know what? Fuck you!

Rebecca pulls out her gun and fires at the Pyro. The Pyro leaps back shooting a jet of flame at Rebecca. Rebecca rolls out of the way but part of her hair catches a light. Rebecca quickly slaps the fire out.

Rebecca: You fucking bitch!

The Pyro pulls the door shut locking it. Rebecca slams her gun against the door before firing into it. Rebecca hears ticking causing her eyes to widen. She runs and dives away from the door. An explosion comes from the room.

Rebecca: Crazy bitch!... I can almost respect her.

Rebecca gets up and runs to the room to see no Pyro in sight. She looks out the window to see the Pyro stealing one of the cars.

Cyberpunk Edgerunners (Rebecca x Reaper male reader)Where stories live. Discover now