Chapter Two: The Test

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Author: Ten chapters total and I plan to publish two chapters at a time. I don't really have a plan for when I will focus on them. Maybe weekly or monthly or a mix of both... We'll see.

Rebecca: Meet... Wait what was your name again?

Y/N: You never asked or learned what it was before.

Rebecca: Just tell me your dumb name.

Y/N: Names have zero effect on one's level of intelligence so how can a name be dumb?

Kiwi: This guy is not too bright upstairs.

You look at the taller woman wearing a mask over her mouth in confusion.

Y/N: This building doesn't have a second floor.

Rebecca kicks you in the leg but you barely feel it.

Y/N: Why did you kick me?

Rebecca: Tell me your name!

Y/N: It's Y/N... There's no need to shout.

Rebecca screams in irritation.

Rebecca: Your so annoying!

Y/N: You are easily annoyed.

Rebecca: Am not!

Y/N: I liked you better when we were walking quietly.

Rebecca: Shut it... Anyway the big guy is Maine. He is basically the leader if you can believe it.

Maine: What is that supposed to mean?

Y/N: Hi.

Rebecca: The tall hag is Kiwi.

Kiwi: Fuck you too.

Y/N: She isn't that tall.

Maine laughs.

Maine: No wonder Rebecca picked him.

Rebecca: I didn't pick him... Besides he owes me a drink.

Y/N: Technically I don't but I do need money.

Rebecca: The other woman of the group is Dorio. She's alright.

Dorio: Thanks.

Dorio rolls her eyes.

The one over there on her own is the newest member of these guys... I think her name was... Lulu.

Kiwi: It's Lucy.

Lucy gives you a brief glance.

Rebecca: And that's about it.

Pilar: Hey what about me... You know Pilar!

Rebecca: Oh right... There is also him feel free to pretend he doesn't exist.

Pilar: Hey!

Maine: If you haven't figured it out there siblings.

Y/N: What's that?

Maine: Huh?

Y/N: What is a sibling?

Rebecca: Someone who shares you blood but is a lot less cool than you.

Pilar: Yeah that being you.

Rebecca: Fuck off... You are the way less cool sibling with your stretchy limbs like some kind of freaky octopus!

Pilar: That is the reason I am better... You brat.

Rebecca: I ain't a brat you cocksucker!

Y/N: Why would you suck a chicken?

Cyberpunk Edgerunners (Rebecca x Reaper male reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu