Luz x Reader (Friendship Bracelets!)

Start from the beginning

You quietly joined the conversation—smiles and waves being exchanged to acknowledge your presence—before Gus replied. "Aw, thanks Luz." He answered, slipping the bracelet on and moving his arm around to get a full view of it, "Even matches my uniform."

"You're welcome! And Happy Friendship Bracelet Day to you, my flowery friend," Luz started again, this time turning to face Willow. She pulled out another beaded bracelet, colors interchanging light and forest green, before pointing out the identical one on her own arm, "and your charm is a shield made of vines because it's a plant—obviously—and because you're always so strong and protective, and you don't let anything get you down!"

"Aw, shucks, Luz. You're so sweet. Thank you." Willow replied, taking the bracelet from Luz and putting it on just like Gus had. You were expecting Luz to switch gears and face Amity next, but you soon noticed that she already had her bracelet. She had an Azura charm.

Everyone started heading toward the lunchroom, and along the way, you witnessed as Luz gave out more bracelets with more charms and more heartfelt explanations about the charms. Charms that you didn't have.

Now, you've always loved Luz's kindness and grand gestures whenever she expressed her feelings, so you had no problem with Luz giving out a bunch of bracelets... but there was something about everyone else getting things that you didn't that... well you tried not to think about it.

You were all finally sitting down and eating your food in the cafeteria when all you could do was look at your bracelet. You weren't smiling anymore.

It took a few more minutes after Willow, Amity, and Gus received their bracelets for you to notice another trivial thing. Everyone else's bracelet also had the same black beads with white lettering that yours did. Except everyone else's spelt out "FRIENDSHIP"

Friendship... then what in the titan was just "SHIP"?!

You took a deep breath. "This is stupid," you thought, "you loved this bracelet a few hours ago and nothing's changed. So what if everyone else has a charm and you don't? That isn't important... is it?"

The charm was the thing Luz always talked about in detail. It was the display of their friendship; a showing of how close Luz and the receiver were.

You didn't get any mini-speech.

You began to spin the bracelet around some more as you got lost in your thoughts. "Are you alright?" someone quietly whispered. You looked up a tad startled before realizing it was just Willow. "You seem a lil'... in your head. You haven't eaten anything."

She was being quiet, trying not to alert Luz, Amity, and Gus, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just overthinking a bit, I guess."

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

You gave her a grateful smile but shook your head. "Thanks, but I'll be okay. It's really nothing."

Willow nodded and gave you a reassuring smile that seemed a lot like an, "I'll still be here if you change your mind."

You tried to refocus on the present. You began eating your food, and you tried to pay more attention to your friends' conversation, but your mind continuously wandered back to the bracelets.

How could no speech and the lack of one silly little charm make you feel so... insignificant? And SHIP, you couldn't forget SHIP. Did Luz really take such little care in making your bracelet that she forgot all those small things?


The day continued on as expected—Luz giving away bracelets and you noticing that they all had the very things yours didn't—until you were back at the Owl House.

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