XXV - What Is Allison Up To?

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"Nah, it's like the old man said. Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, and three times isn't going to happen because I'm not a gibbering idiot." Number Five told Viktor and Number Eight who sat opposite him in the mirrored hotel lobby.

"Well, we can't be sure he killed Klaus or Luther." Viktor tried to remain optimistic.

Number Eight cocked an eyebrow at Viktor. "Are you serious? This is his modus operandi. We've seen this before. Have you forgotten how we all came together in the first place?"

"Dad's funeral." Viktor realised quietly.

"Exactly." Number Eight nodded. "He pulled this on you before, and he's doing it again now."

Viktor shook his head. "Come on, Eight." He sighed.

"No, she's right

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"No, she's right." Number Five spoke up. "He lost the vote to come through the tunnel, yet here we are."

"Are you two really sure that he could kill Luther?" As much as he wanted to, Viktor was struggling to believe Number Five and Number Eight.

Number Five performed a tight-lipped grin. "I think he could kill Luther, Klaus, and the rest of us without breaking a moral sweat. And what's worse, I think Allison is involved."

"No. No." Viktor shook his head in disbelief.

"Allison is involved. Look, if my powers are good for anything, it's sensing auras and understanding how people feel. I sense fear in order to make a good hallucination. I know that something is off with Allison, she's scared. It's as clear as day." Number Eight slumped back in her chair, folding her arms over her chest.

Viktor hesitated. "I get that... but she was with Sloane in the tunnel."

"We're not talking about Klaus." Number Five spoke through gritted teeth.

"Luther? What? No, she would never do that." Viktor glanced over to Allison at the other side of the lobby, who was helping Sloane remove Luther's blood from her hands.

Number Five sighed. "Viktor, she's been unravelling ever since we got to this timeline."

"Yeah, because she lost her daughter." Viktor defended Allison.

"We lost our daughter too, Viktor. But we didn't go round killing people, like Harlan." Number Eight spoke with a saddened tone in her voice as she swallowed a hard lump that had formed. She had held hope that Eden would return, but considering the original timeline she lived in had been swallowed, that hope had now been stomped upon.

Viktor exhaled heavily, taking time to gather his thoughts. "Even if you're right, I can't imagine they're just going to come clean if we confront them."

Before either Number Five or Number Eight could answer Viktor, another one of Reginald's outbursts ensued.

"Gather round, children!" The man appeared in the hotel lobby after emerging at the top of the stairs. "Now that we've had a chance to catch our breath, the real work can begin."

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