XXIV - This Is Some Hardcore Alice In Wonderland Shit

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"We heard a scream from the bathroom, what's going on- Oh my God." Number Eight darted into the Buffalo Suite with Lila by her side. The pair were frantic and overwhelmed, but quickly became distraught by what they were seeing before them.

Sloane sat slumped in the centre of the room, sobbing uncontrollably whilst she cradled Luther, who was unconscious and bleeding heavily.  Her delicate hands were coated in Luther's blood as she held him shakily.

"Oh my God, Luther." Viktor gasped as he and Number Five came running into the room. Their skin quickly dropped to a ghostly shade of white

"What happened?" Number Five asked, looking upon the scene with pure shock.

Sloane lifted her eyes to the family, revealing them to be bloodshot and full of tears. "He went to go get ice. I couldn't - He didn't come back. I... I don't know." Sloane choked on her words as she wept.

Allison sat against the wall, her hand covering her mouth and her eyes pricked with tears. Klaus observed the situation sadly, unsure of what to say to comfort Sloane. Number Eight crawled over to Number Five before nuzzling her face into his neck as she let a pearly tear roll down her face. She and Luther had not always got on, but she never wanted to see him dead.

"It must have been him. The guardian." Lila suggested to Diego with a shaky voice.

Diego hesitantly approached Luther's body, analysing the large gash that ripped through the man's chest. "She's right. Whatever did this had a long, curved blade."


Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"How... How can you be sure?" Number Eight spoke quietly, her voice frail and vulnerable. Number Five squeezed her hand tightly as an act of support.

"I don't know much, but I know knives." Diego nodded his head towards Number Eight. For once, Diego had immense sorrow in his eyes.

Reginald suddenly appeared in the doorway of the Buffalo Suite. "Children, what is going on?" He gasped at the sight of Luther sprawled out on the carpet. "Oh God! Luther."

Number Five looked Reginald up and down suspiciously.

"If we attacked first, he would still be alive." Ben spoke bitterly, as always, allowing for a silence to fall over the family.

Each member of the group was speechless, none of them knowing what to say to make the situation any better. Most were in tears, and if not, they were on the brink. The only sound that filled the room was the echo of Sloane's gut-wrenching sobs.

Suddenly, the Buffalo Suite began to shake uncontrollably, causing the Umbrella Academy to become uneasy on their feet. The plaster of the ceiling began to crumble whilst the walls were collapsing into piles of dust.

Ben peered his head out of the room's door, finding that the hallway outside was in the process of being swallowed by the Kugelblitz. "G-guys? Hey, guys!"

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