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Name: Luna Frost

Age: 18

Hair color: black with small streaks of purple

Eyes: one is Blue while the other glows purple.

Weapon: Double sided ender sword

Wolf form:

Description: Y/n is what is called an Ender Wolf or the last Ender Wolf

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Description: Y/n is what is called an Ender Wolf or the last Ender Wolf. No one knows how are why but she was chosen to be an Ender Wolf but she has been able to pull through tough situations as well.

She was also able to befriend and ride on a very dangerous species of dragon which she can summon at anytime with a large amount of magic. But it also takes a lot of energy.


Name: Void

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Name: Void

Species: Ender Night Fury/Ender Fury

Rider: Luna

The Dragon Riding Ender WolfWhere stories live. Discover now