A festival for witches

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3rd POV

The sisters arrive at the festival, arm in arm as they search for the nice mayor. Right behind the women, the two Roombas that belong to Mary follow right at the feet. They ask every person that walks past them if they have seen the man.

After a bit of looking around, they stop to see a bobbing for apples with the announcers holding their heads down in the water.

The sisters light up at this. "Look it, they are downing a man." Winnie gasps in joy. Srah giggles and leans toward the other two. "I like this festival."

The men are lifted and one raises his arms in victory as he holds a granny smith with his teeth. "Oh, look. He has an apple in his mouth!" Mary points out. "Perhaps they're going to roast him on a spit," Winnie suggests. As another round goes on, an idea pops into Mary's head. "Oh, my brooms would love this. Let me get the girls, where are they- oh there they are." Mary turns to see her Roombas sucking up some spilled popcorn on the ground. "Oh, sweeties." Mary coos as she and Sarah glides over to them. "They have a mind of their own."

"Poisoned apple." A woman announces, catching Winnie's attention. Winnie approaches the laughing woman. She holds out a wrapped caramel apple to Winnie. "Would you like a poisoned apple?"

Winnie smiles as she talks to the fake witch. "Oh, thou must never announce that they're poisoned, sister," Winnie says with a wag of her finger. The fake witch's face falls to confusion. "No one will eat them if they think they're deadly. Amateur."

Mary approaches the seller, her eyes trained on the apple. "That looks scrumptious." She hums in delight.

"Maybe I could have just one big bi-" Winnie grips Mary's neck before she can continue. "No eating until we find the mayor." She hisses. "Okay, sorry." Mary wheezes. "Sarah, come." Winnie barks. Srah quickly catches up with her sisters while the Roombas follow after.

"Becca, you two call Traske. Izzy, I'll look for the book." Y/n gives out the rolls and the two nod. Y/n starts at the counter while keeping her ear out to Becca.

At the festival, the happy-go-lucky mayor is humming in his spot in the line. His phone rings and he answers it right away. "Hello?" He greets, raising himself to the balls of his feet and going back down. "Hey, Mr. Traske. Um, it's Becca"

"Oh, hey, Becca." The mayor greets the teenager. "Sorry to do this." Becca bites on the inside of her cheek, hyping herself up for what she's about to say. "But... Cassie's throwing a party."

"Oh, fun. Where?" The man asks, still cheery. "At your house." Becca quickly answers. Traske's face droops and he leans on his phone more. "What?" He asks lowly. "With boys," Becca adds fuel to the fire.

Mr. Traske's face starts showing anger as he continues to listen to Becca. "You should get home as soon as possible."

The mayor hangs up the phone and quickly smiles to cover up his rage. He turns to address the couple behind him. "I'm sorry, would you mind saving my place in line? My daughter's about to ruin her future." The couple nod and watch as the man rushes to his house.

"Okay, he's safe now." Becca sighs and puts her phone away. Becca looks to see y/n and Izzy still searching for the book. As y/n is searching, she notices that Cobweb is looking at the rows of fake books. Her brows raise as she smiles. "Clever kitty." She mumbles. The woman searches the books, trying to find the real one. Once she reaches the last one on the row, she sees the sweat dripping and the eye looking directly at her. "There you are!" She laughs and holds it up. "Let's go!" The teens' usher and the witch go to follow until the book flies into the air, taking the woman with it.

"Auntie!" The girls call out in worry. 

"Now you listen to me! I may not be the sole owner, but I am a Sanderson, no less! And as a Sanderson, you will do. As. I. SAY!" The woman grunts until the object slips from her fingers and flies back to the spot on the shelf. Y/n falls to the ground on her stomach. "Auntie! Are you okay?!" Izzy asks as Becca helps the witch up. "What happened?"  She wonders.

"Winnie put a spell on that book. Removing that spell will take too long, we need to get to Cassie's before the witches do. Grab some salt and the keys." The woman mutters with a fire burning in her eyes.

Back at the festival, the witches continue searching for the mayor. "Remember. Stay the course." Winnie reminds the two and Mary repeats.

A man turns around and his face lights up at the sight of the women. "Hey, it's the Sanderson Sisters! All right, looking good." The man compliments, to which the ladies blush at the flattery.

"I bet you're looking for the stage." The man says, ready to help the women.

Winnie smiles coyly and side-eyes the man. "Always."

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