They're here!

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The door flies open, and the girls pull me back. "Hide!" Becca orders in a whisper. I follow them to the back of the shop. Confronting them isn't a good idea as they tend to zap first and ask questions later. I accidentally drop the book, but Gilbert catches it and looks to the door as the three of us hide.

"At last!" I hear Winnie cry. "Back to our squall and verminous abode." The women laugh and I hold the girls tighter, in fear of what my sisters might do to them.

The women's laughter dies down and I know they are not happy at how different their home appears to be. "Where are all the cobwebs...and my rat tails?" Sarah says, getting upset. "Uh-oh, Winnie holds me. Oh, it no longer smells like death. I can barely smell dear y/n." Mary sobs. "Now it smells like..."

"Clean linen," Gilbert speaks up, making his presence known. Gilbert, you stupid-" I bite my tongue from further insulting the man in fear of being caught.

"Yeah, we have a plug-in for that." He continues, excitement lacing his voice. "A boy!" Sarah says happily.

"Hi, I'm Gilbert the Great and I'm your biggest fan." Gilbert introduces himself. Winnie gasps. "My book." A thud echoes through the room. "Oh, my darling they hurt you." "Is he okay?" "Did he break anything?" "Oh, goodness gracious." "Oh, my darling. Oh. I've missed thee."

"My beautiful book. How's your eye?" Winnie coos. The other two are heard searching the home. A gasp leaves my lips as hands grasp my shoulder and pull me up. The hands grab onto Becca and Izzy is forced to go in front of us. "Winnie, look, I found the two 40-year-old teenagers and a friend of theirs. The friend smells familiar." Mary says, taking a whiff of me.

"Oh, Winnie, can we kill the two now?" Sarah pleads. "All in good time. A quick death would be too kind for these two." She then hands the book to Sarah. "Here, hold my book. And don't drop it like you just did!" She barks and Sarah bows.

"Seems like the last time you were here didn't teach you not to mess with teenagers." I challenge Winnie, shrugging off Mary's hand and striding to the eldest.

Winnie approaches me with narrowed eyes and a scowl playing her mouth. "How do you know that?" I huff through my nose and cross my arms. "Oh, sister, please. Did I change over the past seventeen years?" I ask.

Winnie's eyes widen and her mouth goes wide. "Y/n?" She asks and I nod. Winnie circles me, looking up and down with a hum.  "Thou has aged well." She compliments me, but I do not respond to that.

Winnie lets out a hmph and holds her head up high. "As I am happy to see you, I am still quite upset with you. But I shall not kill you, I am not like you."

This angers me. "Kill you! We all know we shouldn't be alive! I might add that I was cursed immortality for three centuries without my permission. And there's the fact you died already! Your heart may beat but only for a short amount of time. Those who died should stay dead if the consequences are innocent people's lives!" I shout and Winnie has no problem returning it. "You should be thanking us you've lived a long time! I used that spell to save you from being hanged!" I throw my arms up. "Oh, sure we were going to be hanged because you three were killing children for youth! We could have done good for those people, they weren't the townsfolk who betrayed us!" 

"Enough! We will discuss more when we complete the life potion! Mary!" Mary perks up at being called. "Throw them in the dungeon! Perhaps y/n will stop hating us after some time to think." Winnie zaps open the hidden door. Mary throws Becca and Izzy in, gently grabs my arm, and puts me in there. The stairs disappear and I look up, tears stinging my eyes. "None shall see or hear thee shout, heed my word there's no way out." Once the chant is completed and before the door closes, I scream, "No, wait!"

"Ugh! They always assume what I want!" I shout. The girls panic and search the room. "Girls, calm down. It's okay. Sh, listen." I quiet them down and point upwards.

I listen in on Gilbert, hearing on how Gilbert was able to bring the sisters back. They soon learn about Mayor Traske. Winnie is angry. "I'm done with piddling potions!" Winnie stomps. "If we were the most powerful witches on Earth, nothing can stop us. Not teenager, not Traskes, not the infernal sun. Sisters, it has been decided. We are doing the Maicae Maxima. The Power Spell."

"What? Is she crazy?" I whisper to myself, and Mary seems to agree. "Oh, but Winnie, you promised you'd never do that spell."

"That was 300 years ago. That promise has expired." Winnie proclaims. I hear the book slam over and over, which means even the book agrees that this is a bad idea as well.

Resistance is Futile! Show me the Power Spell! Winnie commands and I can hear a zap. "Now, the Power Spall. Beware the Power Spell for it is most dangerous, oh, fie, we have no time for warnings. At last. Oh, by lucifer's hangnail. The incantation has to be recited seven times." The women complain about this, hating repeating incantations.

Sarah reads the next part. "Must be done in a sacred place- oh, a sacred place. We are not allowed in those." Winnie sighs incredulously. "Not one of those sacred places, you nitwit. One of ours. The Forbidden Wood." The three chuckle with one another.

"That's our spot," Izzy whispers with confusion. "It's sacred?" I nod. "That's the place where Winnie got the book. It's a safe place for witches." I explain.

"The head of a lover." Winnie continues. "Oh, yeah, that'd be a bummer, because all of our lovers are gone." Mary sighs. "Oh, but we could find new ones," Sarah suggests. "Nonsense. We'll simply dig up my old lover, Billy Butcherson." Winnie concludes.

"Okay, sure. But you know, Billy was my lover." Sarah argues. "Oh, Sarah. You were just a fling. Let's see, what else?" Winnie hums. "Witch's butter, juice of an Aralia berry, one petrified spider, and oh, one drop of thy enemy's blood." The three laugh.

"Oh, don't you love it when the spell requires blood?" Mary asks happily. "That reminds me. Gilbert?" Winnie calls out.

The voices soon muffle, but I know what was going on. "They cursed Gilbert," I mutter. After a bit, the women leave the house. 

"Alright. We have to get out of here. Izzy, do you have the Angelica leaves?" I ask the girl. She smiles and pulls out the bag. "Perfect! Now, follow my lead, the spell will work when more people cast it." The girls nod and follow after me.

The spell is lifted and we can't leave the dungeon faster. "Okay, we need to get the mayor and Cassie. Both are in danger." Becca holds her hands in a stop motion. "Wait, what about Gilbert?" She asks and I smirk.

"I have something for that. Jinx!" I call out. The canine appears on my side. "You need to go after Gilbert. In human form." The wolf barks and shadows begin to weave around its body. 

After a bit, the shadows leave to reveal Jinx in their human glory, looking over the goth outfit that looks good on them and showing that they're my age. Jinx kisses me on the cheek. "You be safe, sweetheart." They tell me and run off.

Becca and Izzy stare at me in disbelief. I sigh and simply answer. "Immortal shifter. Pronouns they/them, now let's go!" I order.

NOW! The adventure of Gilbert and Jinx will not be told UNLESS! This book gets a 1k votes. This will be a present to those who really wanna read it. I know, I'm evil MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Don't forget to stay hydrated and eat something, love you!

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