8. Hide and Seek

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Disclaimer: Victorious will never be mine, (un)fortunately - depending on what each individual thinks.

Robbie's in a huge trouble, and nobody's happy about it. Not much couple fluff here, hopefully more in the next chapter. Will anything else happen to our beloved gang? Let's find out!


Cat sniffles and bit down on her lower lips in an effort to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall down her cheeks. As she moved backwards, she didn't realize that she was advancing towards a dead end until her back hit the pale grey concrete wall. "P-please.. don't." her cries were simply disregarded by the man who was thrice her size. He was bald and was scarred diagonally down his left cheek, which was enough to intimidate Cat just by looking at the man's physical appearance.


Robbie had just turned his back for just a minute, and the next thing that made him panic as if like ants are in his pants was the bubbly redhead's disappearance. ' Dang it! Where's Cat? ' Robbie push his glasses up, ' I turn my back on her for a while and she's playing hide-and-seek with me. ' He felt his heart beat increasing rapidly, causing a pressure equalization drumming in his ear drums.

Robbie run through a list of options; either go on a wild goose chase and hunt for Cat in this unknown territory by himself, or head back to the cell as chances of Cat returning there is pretty high, or attempt to ask the guards for help in looking for an obvious redhead throughout the prison.

' Maybe I should file a report of missing Cat to Tori or André.. no, that'd never work! ' Robbie mentally cursed himself and shut his eyes tightly, trying really hard to think up of a solution which do not include him being brutally murdered for losing Cat. ' They'll blame me for not keeping an eye on Cat instead. Urghhh! What should I do now? ' He let out a loud sigh as he open his eyes, and began subconsciously brisk walking towards the direction of the cell where the others were at.


"Well then. Do you have any other better ideas on how to escape, Mr know-it-all?" Tori huffed, her eyes meeting André's in a challenging way. "All I was tryin' to say was that your idea of hiding in a garbage collecting truck would never work." he shrugged, looking indifferent rather than anger, "First, most of us; especially your sister, would never agree to hiding in a dirty, stinking trash collecting truck. Also, in Jade's condition, I'm pretty sure Beck won't allow her to climb on board SS Stinky as the bacteria will only cause her to become sicker. Lastly, it's highly doubted that we'll even make it close enough to get near a truck without being spotted by the guards. Much less getting int-."

"GUYS!" Robbie exclaimed, busting in through the cell gate. André and Tori turned their attention towards the source of noise, with André shooting the bespectacled boy an annoyed look for interrupting his chat with Tori. Even Trina had creased looking at herself in the tarnished mirror and turned her attention towards Robbie. "Must you yell?" Trina questioned harshly, as she plodded over to André and Tori with a scowl, motioning to the bed where Beck and Jade are on.

Beck laid on the lumpy bed, his miffed expression indicates he was affected by Robbie's sudden outburst, but was not enough to wake him up completely yet. Beck's right arm are sprawled over his head in a ninety degree manner, and his left arm still used as a pillow for Jade's head. Jade had a slight scowl on as her left arm draped over Beck's well-toned stomach, with the tattered navy blue blanket pulled up to cover up to her shoulders.

"Sorry," Robbie uttered sheepishly, before strengthening his back and looking at the trio with sorrow gleaming in his eyes. "Hey.. where's Cat?" Tori inquired, sounding suspicious upon realizing Robbie's arrival without Cat. The atmosphere then turned to seriousness, making André, Tori and Trina sense the tension. "Yeah.. about that," Robbie scratch the back of his neck, not daring to meet any of their gazes.

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