And I can go anywhere I want Anywhere I want, just not home

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Alex's Pov

'You probably didn't even send the freaking letter' Izzie screams towards me, with visible hatred rolling off of her tongue.
'Of course I sent the god damn letter Izzie' I yell back feeling the anger boil up inside of me 'Why are we even having this fight in the first place?'
'Why are we even having this fight in the first place' Izzie scoffs 'Oh I don't know maybe because she's all you think about or because you still have your wedding photos clustered up in the corner of your room. Or how about the fact that when you tell my kids stories they're always about princess Jo and how you much you hope that they'll get to meet her one day. I'm telling you this now Alex, now and only now that my kids will NEVER be meeting her'.
'Our kids' I reply, muttering under my breath.
'What' Izzie questions me being unable to hear what I said.
'I said OUR kids Izzie, our kids' I yell back my voice getting louder as I struggle to control my anger. 'They're my kids too Izzie. As much as you wish they weren't, as much as you've tried to act like I don't exist, I do and they are my kids.
Izzie just looks at me livid with rage
'And as for Jo' I continue 'You have no right to even say her name. And you sure as hell have no right to be mad at me for having photos of her and I from our wedding. Our WEDDING Izzie, we were married, And you're the reason we're not anymore. Because you're the one that gave ME the ultimatum, you're the one that told me that I would never see my kids if she was part of the picture. You're the one that did this. So yeah I am gonna be mad and I am gonna always think about her because SHE is the love of my life, HER not you Izzie HER! And you're just going to have to learn to accept that because I will NEVER stop loving her not even for a minute because I wanted EVERYTHING with HER. I wanted waffle Sundays with HER and I wanted kids with HER and I wanted to grow old together with HER and I wanted to be there to watch HER win a Catherine Fox award or cure cancer or do whatever made HER happy. But now I don't get to do that because you didn't give me the chance to choose her.' I finish taking a deep breath to conceal my emotions before turning around and grabbing my car keys.
Izzie yells after me asking where I'm going but I ignore her quickening my pace as I make a b line for my car. I don't know where I'm going but I just put the keys in the ignition and drive.

I drive and I think, I think about her, I think about Jo. I remember when Kepner sent out our wedding invitations and we joked around about putting us down for a maybe, and when Jo met Olivia and Olivia told her all about how I gave her and George syphilis back when I was just a loud-mouthed idiotic intern. I remember us saying our vows on the ferry boat after the disaster of a wedding that Kepner had planned failed, and I remember renewing our vows when Jo came back from the mental health clinic and how she was determined to scare me and how she succeed when she told me she was pregnant. God I wish she hadn't of been joking when she said that, I wish she really had of been pregnant. I think about all these moments and more for hours and hours until I finally look out the window and see the sun setting. I decide I should go back to Izzie's before dark if not to save us from yet another fight to at least get a good nights sleep.

As I pull into the driveway I notice an unfamiliar car I ignore it thinking it's just another one of Izzie's dumb friends that has come over so that she can complain about my negative attitude and how she deserves so much better.
But then I see a shadowy figure sitting on the porch and as I walk up towards it for a minute I think I'm hallucinating. I must be going crazy I think for a second but then I realize I'm not, she's really here. Jo is really here. She is here, sitting on Izzie's porch with a tear stained face and puffy eyes looking beautiful as ever...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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