Chapter 14

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Pov. Louis Tomlinson

Today is the day. Today Harry and I are getting married. I'm dying of nerves. We are together in the car on the way to the town hall where that everyone is waiting for us.

''Babe, calm down. It's going to be really good. Nothing can go wrong'' says Harry.

''I really don't understand how you stay so calm about it. We're getting married, that's pretty much the biggest step in your life'' I say, Harry laughs softly.

''I know but I know this is the best step I will ever take because I am taking it with you'' he replies.

''That's true'' I chuckle after which I passionately press my lips to his.

''We're here'' says Lottie who was driving the car. All three of us get out. Lottie hops in quickly and sits down in the hall. Then me and Harry walk in together.

After a whole explanation from the mayor, we get to the yes.

''Louis William Tomlinson, do you take, Harry Edward Styles, to be your spouse until death do you part?" he asks.

''Yes'' I reply with a smile.

''Harry Edward Styles, do you, Louis William Tomlinson, take to your spouse till death do you part?" the mayor asks Harry this time.

''Yes'' he replies.

''Then I unite you by marriage, the bride and groom may kiss each other'' says the mayor after which I press my lips full on Harry's. He smiles as we kiss. In the background, I hear applause. Harry and I walk out of the town hall together.

That evening another wild party took place in our garden after which we fell asleep together in our bed and enjoyed the wedding night.

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