Chapter 8

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Pov. Harry

Eventually we decide to just walk over to Louis' house.
I'll ask my mother if that's where I can sleep.
Even though I'm 19 my mother still makes choices for me.

We are now sitting on the sofa under the blanket I had bought earlier this month.
"Honey will you get my book please?"
I ask Louis.
"Which one?"
"My policeman, the one you gave me." I reply.

He nods and stands up.
After a few minutes, he returns with the book and pens.
"What about the pens?" I ask
"That's so you can take notes in the book. And then when I reread it, I can read it from your perspective." Says he.
"Ah ha." Says I before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

/must sleep now, page 109 in my policeman , last line/
"Lou come here." I say
"What is it?" He asks
"Look and read this."
"Must sleep now." Reads he.
"Honey, are you sleepy?" He asks further.

"Yes, but I also thought it was funny that it was like that in the book." Says I as I underline.

"Hm, just come to the kitchen. Then we'll make you an evening snack and tea. Otherwise you'll wake up in the middle of the night because you're hungry." Says he with a small smile.
"Hey! That was just once." Says I as I gently slap his chest for fun.

"Ouch, you broke my heart." Says he now looking glum.
"No way, come to the kitchen." I say as I hop to the kitchen and sit down on the kitchen counter.
Waiting for him to enter the kitchen.

Finally, he enters the kitchen and grabs a mug for me.
He also grabs the box of speculoos biscuits from the cupboard.

"Here grab a biscuit in advance, I'll make the tea." He says as he holds the box in front of me so I can easily take one out.

He pulls back the box and puts it back in the cupboard.
He grabs a tea bag from the other box and puts it in the mug.
He turns around and gives me a kiss.

Moments later, we are both in bed.
Tea drunk, biscuits eaten books half read.
But very content.

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