Cursed Mind

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    "I'm tired of this crap!" The raging drunk brute yelled in Harley's face. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She sobbed as tears streaked down her face. "Quiet!" He shouted, before slapping her hard across the face. Harley fell to the ground in a crying heap as her father reamed her out for wetting her bed. "Every night, Harley! Every night you go and piss on your bed!" He shouted, as his face turned red.

    Harley woke in her bed. It was dark and her heart pounded in her ears as the remnant shouting of her dreams echoed in her mind. She set one foot on the cold, wooden floor, before crawling out of bed. Her diaper was soaked and heavy. It sagged as she walked to the door to open it. She creaked it open and peered out into the dark hallway. "You little rat!" The voice of her mother and father echoed in her ears. She made her way to the kitchen, where she grabbed a knife off the counter as sat on the floor. She pressed the blade against her arm. It was sharp and cold. She dragged the fine edge along her arm, leaving a deep, bloody cut. She winced against the pain, but continued. "Who's there!?" Harley jumped as the lights switched on all of a sudden. Garotte stood in the doorway holding a nine mil. "Harley!" He shouted in surprise. He set the gun on the counter and rushed to the girl's aid. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She cried, as her tears mingled with her blood. "Harley, why did you cut yourself?" Garotte asked, examining her wound. "What's going on?" Sandra asked, with Tristan and Ashley in tow. As soon as Sandra saw her girl was hurt, she rushed over. "What happened?" Sandra asked the crying girl. "I- I'm sorry! I won't do it again!" Harley buried her head in Sandra's neck and cried. "Shh, shh. Hey, calm down. It's okay. Just explain what happened." Sandra rubbed the child's back in a  calming manner. Harley sniffles as she composed her emotions. "S- so I had a bad dream that I was back living with my mom and dad. And I we- did something wrong and my dad got mad at me and started hitting me." Harley made sure to avoid admitting her bedwetting issue. "I was scared and sad, and a little voice in my head told me I should cut myself." Harley wiped a tear off her cheek. "Oh, honey, I'm sorry. I should have paid more attention to your feelings." Sandra apologized. "No, it's not your fault." Harley shook her head. "I- I just feel like I have nobody who cares. My own family doesn't love me." Harley began crying again. "Family is more than just a genetic inheritance. Family is being able to have someone else's back and being able to listen to them. Family and an ethereal bond of love and caring between us. Family is not about who's blood runs through your veins, but is about who is there with you when times get tough." Everyone looked over at Tristan, who was staring blankly at the wall while talking. "Anyways, you've got this under control, and I'm tired goodnight y'all." He said before promptly turning around and going back to his bedroom. Sandra turned back to Harley. "Hon, we love and care about you. We don't want you to hurt yourself, okay?" Sandra asked with tears filling her eyes. "Okay." Harley nodded. "Let's get you cleaned up." Sandra said, picking up the girl and carrying her to the bathroom...

    Hey guys, how's it going. Hope you like the newest chapter. By the way, the Elf king told me he's a huge fan of mine and if you don't vote for this chapter he'll send a squad of highly trained commando elves to abduct you in your sleep and put you to work baking cookies for them in a tree. Sorry, I don't make the rules I just follow them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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