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See that girl, curled up on her bed? She's hurting. She doesn't know why, but she knows it's painful, ripping through her and tearing her apart from the inside.

See that boy, a world away, looking up at the stars? He's alone. He lost his family, and he has no friends.

They're different. Different names, different homes, different worlds, different lives. But they're the same. Same thoughts, same fears, same pain.

And they're both dying.

He knows it. He's waiting for Death, watching as it approaches. He's welcoming it. After all, what does he have left to live for?

She doesn't know it. She just knows that something is wrong with her. That something is happening to her.

They live in two different worlds. They lead two different lives.

But what will happen when their worlds collide?

To those of you that were reading this before I added the introduction, I changed Cyrus's appearance. Instead of having brown skin, dark hair, and gold eyes, he has blonde hair, light skin, and blue eyes with specks of gold in them.

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