Cyrus - Chapter 5

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This time, we ended up at the right place, if not at the right time. We appeared in a large room, decorated with tapestries depicting dragons soaring through the sky together. At one end of the room was a pair of giant wooden doors, big enough for a dragon to fit through. At the other end, there was a large wooden table carved with runes, with 5 thrones at the other end of it, where the council sat. Behind each throne was a tapestry showing a rider and their dragon, both fitted in armor. 6 people were huddled around smaller table near the doors, discussing something in hushed voices. They turned when they heard us, and then rushed to the thrones. 5 of them sat at the thrones, while the remaining one stood next to the throne farthest to the right. I had been here many times, mostly with my adoptive father, when there was no one to take care of me, and once by myself, when I was called for this mission.

"Cyrus," said the woman sitting in the middle - Lorelei, if I remembered correctly, "I see you were successful with your mission."

"Yes ma'am," I replied, hoping she couldn't see how nervous I was.

"I trust there were no... complications?"

"No ma'am."

"Good," she replied, then turned to the man sitting on her right - Taniyn, one of the trainers.

He looked down at the papers he was holding, then spoke.

"The trainees were successful as well," he said, "Two more have unlocked their powers. There is only one left-"

"Make that two," she interrupted, then fixed her gaze on Heather, who had been surprisingly quiet, gazing up at the tapestries.

As soon as Lorelei looked at her, Heather turned away from the walls and glared at Lorelei.

"This is all very nice or whatever, but guess what? Someone in this room needs to explain what's going on. Like, now."

Lorelei's calm gaze turned ice-cold, and the rest of the council threw Heather warning looks, like they were scared of what might happen to her. Heather either didn't see them, or didn't care, because she kept her angry glare focused on Lorelei, who returned it. After what felt like an eternity, Lorelei sighed, and began to speak.

"I... suppose an explanation is due. You see, you come from a long line of-"

"I already know all that," Heather interrupted, "I want to know why I'm here."

Before Lorelei could get angry again, Taniyn interrupted.

"Perhaps it would be better if the other trainees explained?"

Lorelei studied Heather, then nodded and said, "I suppose."

I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding.

"I'll take her to them," I said, then grabbed Heather's wrist and pulled her out of the room.

As soon as we were out of the room, she yanked her hand out of my grip and focused her anger on me.

"Now what?" she asked, rubbing her wrist and glaring at me.

"Now," I replied, "You're going to meet the Dragon Riders."

The DragonessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang