Cyrus - Chapter 4

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I am officially done with life.

First, I get sent to find a girl with a dragon that hates me and a dragon hopelessly in love with the other one, then, I find out that the girl is the most sarcastic being in the universe, and now, my portals aren't working, and it seems like the girl is causing this.

"Listen," I start, "I can explain."

She nods slowly, to stunned to speak.

"But please, please, don't run away. This is already hard enough."

The good part is that she finally stops staring at the dragons. The bad part is that she hits me with the most terrifying glare I've ever seen. And I've been glared at by the definition of evil. (My step-brother.)

"I won't. Now," she sits down and continues, "explain."

"Okay, do you want the long version, or the short version?"


"Here we go."

I take a deep breath and start talking.

"Millions of years ago, dragons lived peacefully among humans. But then, there was a huge war, blah blah blah, you'll learn about that later, and the dragons had to go into hiding, along with the few humans that supported them. Thing is, one of the dragons, we call him the Dark One, decided he wanted to 'rule them all', you know, typical bad guy stuff. He was killed eventually, but somehow he came back to life and is trying again."

"Great. So, how do I fit into all of this?"

"When a dragon makes a special connection with a human, it's called a bond. You're descended from one of the first five people to be bonded to a dragon, and so am I. Actually, you're descended from the first. They were the ones who originally defeated the Dark One, so we're trying to find the others so that we can defeat him again. You're the last one."

"Who's we?"

"I'm not allowed to tell you."

"Ugh. Do my parents know?"

"I was told that they had no idea. However, they're probably under the illusion that you're still at home with them."

Heather got up and approached the dragons.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," I warned.

"Well, you're not me," she replied.

She went over and sat on the other side of the dragons, so I couldn't see her anymore.

"You should know that the one with gold eyes is mine, and he's madly in love with the other dragon."

My dragon snorted at me, and Heather laughed. Before then, I had never even seen her smile, let alone laugh. I got up and followed her to the dragons, careful to step around their tails. When I saw her, she was leaning against my dragon, stroking the other dragon's head.

"You really like them, don't you?" I asked.

"Yes. Do they have names?"

"Not yet. They're given names after the Ritual."

"The Ritual?"

"I'll tell you when we get to the palace-"

"The palace?"

"Please stop interrupting me. Like I was saying, I'll tell you when we get to the palace, but first you need to stop doing... whatever you're doing to the portals."

"How do I stop doing it when I don't know what I'm doing in the first place?"

I climbed onto my dragon and put my hand out, then said, "All you need to do is relax."

Heather looked at me skeptically for a moment, then stood up and climbed behind me. Right, just ignore the fact that I'm holding out my hand and trying to help you.

She closed her eyes for a moment, and when she opened them, they were purple.

"I'm ready."

Wow, 570 words.

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