Ch 6: Wandless magic

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Harry was on his way to practice and Ron, Eivor, Hermione, Neville and Luna were coming to watch. A small first-year with a camera was enthusiastically following Harry like a lovesick puppy. When Eivor arrived with the others, she heard Oliver Wood mutter to Harry

"What's the Slytherin doing here? She could be giving away our tactics."

Before Harry could reply, George and Fred interrupted by each placing an arm around Eivor, so that she was flanked left and right by a twin.

"Eve is part of the family now", George stated proudly.

"She's already got a sweater", Fred added. Oliver looked skeptical, but left it at that. Eivor felt her heart glowing by the twins' statements and smiled shyly at them.

"Thanks" she said

"No probs", Fred winked at her with an eye and took off on his broom, followed by George. Ron stared after them.

"They make my life a living hell, and I'm their brother.", he mumbled irritatedly. Hermione laughed and patted him on the back.

The Gryffindor team got to practice for about two minutes until Marcus Flint and his team showed up.

"What's this about?", Neville asked confused. Luna just stared into the air dreamily.

They walked down to join the Gryffindors who had lined up in front of the Slytherins.

"Why are you here?", Oliver demanded. Marcus smirked.

"Professor Snape gave us permission to practice."

He held out a roll of parchment. Oliver snatched it out of his hands and studied it, his eye brows pinched together.

"But I booked the court!", Oliver said enraged after finding nothing wrong with the parchment.

"The Gryffindor team has the pitch now." His voice was bubbling with anger. Marcus sneered. 

"Professor Snape thought, we need to get a chance to train our new seeker."Marcus sneered.

Who?, Eivor thought.

A blond-haired second-year stepped forward, holding in his hand a Nimbus Two-thousand-and-One.

"Malfoy?", Ron choked. Hermione turned to Eivor.

"Did you know?" Eivor shook her head mutely, stunned as well.

"The mudblood doesn't know anything going on in Slytherin", Draco said loftily. "She doesn't belong to us."

Harry and Ron stepped forward at the same time, but were held back by some members of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. None of the Slytherins defended her, although some seemed uncomfortable Draco calling her a mudblood, Eivor noted.

"I didn't know you could fly, Draco", Eivor said, trying to change the subject. Draco looked at her in a condescending way.

"Better than Potter, definitely." Harry turned beet-red in anger.

"Now get off our pitch", Marcus ordered threateningly.

Eivor saw Ron pulling out his broken wand and aiming it at Draco. Without thinking, Eivor disarmed Ron using wandless magic and caught the wand in her hand.

"What the hell, Eve?", Ron yelled enraged. Eivor walked up to him and pulled him away from the others.

"I'm sorry", she said and gave Ron his wand back. "But your wand is broken and I didn't want your spell to hit somebody else by accident. Besides, if you would have hit Draco, Professor Snape probably would have added a detention to you cleaning work in the Hospital Wing."

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