"You are making my dear sweet children sound devils, Duke Valentine" Pouted the grey haired duke, his hand over his heart.

"You are making my dear sweet children sound devils, Duke Valentine" Pouted the grey haired duke, his hand over his heart

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"I'll have you know my son is an absolute jem, my pride and joy. He takes after myself in so many ways" Boasted Duke Csintalan, chest puffed and nose high. "Then what about your daughter?" asked Duke Solveig. A conflicted expression making its way on his face. "Oh yes, how is your daughter? Last I heard she fell ill with the cold" added Duke Alpheus. "S-She has recovered, rather quickly so there is no need for your concern. She's back to her..... energetic self now" sweat dropped the Duke. I silently chuckled already knowing how his daughter is. She's a little fire ball much like her mother.

I zoned The rest of them out as they all began to discuss about their children, my mind and thoughts drifting off to the unconscious girl back in Helion. No matter how much I wanted to remain in Helion and by her side, I had to come this meeting. It was something I could not make an excuse about. This is the Annul meeting of the Dukes across the Obelian Empire. In total there are 5 Grand Duchy's across the empire, each with their own land that they rule over. In the past, dating back to the foundation of the empire, it was these very 5 houses and the Imperial who fought and battled for this very land. After years of blood sweat and tears, they finally won. Creating a land ultimately ruled by the Imperial family. However as a sign of appreciation for his comrades the first emperor gave each of his companions the title of duke and a piece of land to rule over as their own.

The Grand Duchy of Alpheus in the Central, after the war it was the house of Alpheus who helped with rebuild of the empire and it's economy. The Grand Duchy Of Solveig ruling over the south, known for producing some the best warriors specializing in long distance. In the war the House of Solveig was the back bone, supporting the group from behind with their unwavering aim. Then the Grand Duchy of Csintalan who rule the West, known for their sly and trickster like nature. Their family coming from a long line of some the most skilled and well-known mages through the empire. Just like the house of Solveig, Csintalan supported the group from the back during the war. Finally the Grand Duchies of Helion and Valentine, ruling over the North and East. Both of these families producing some of the best Sword masters and war hero's ever known to man kind. So it's no surprise that it was theses two families who were fighting in the front lines of the war, and then holding receiving the honor of leaders of the Obelian Army. However as of now, the Head of the Imperial Knights is currently Felix Robane, as myself and Duke Valentine had no interest in leading an army.

As to keep the strong bond between the 5 power houses, an annul meeting is up held and the head of each house must attend, if not then their successors. Though it was Fiona who inherited and succeed the The Grand Duchy of Helion, it's still me who has to attended to these meetings. Though I typically wouldn't mind as the 5 of us are rather close, we all attended the infamous Academy in Arlanta and their sparked the relationship and bonded between the 5 dukes. It's sort of become a tradition at this point. For all the Duchy to send their successors to the academy, where they will be friend one another and continue on the legacy of their own respective Dukedoms. Unfortunately however, Fiona and Myself haven't succeed in having child yet. After a few visits by the doctor, we later found out that we are will be unable to conceive. Though it was heart breaking for both us, we later started to think about adopting a child. And that's when Mallory strolled into out lives.

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