"It seems that you've been improving, Polu."

Green-and-blue eyes pop open to find a pitch-black figure floating in front of him. Impossibly, the stars on her body twinkle kindly.

"Taala!" A wide grin stretches onto Polu's face. He stands and immediately jumps in shock. Where he had been sitting moments before rests his body, though more colorful than his current state.

"What happened to me?"

The spirit chuckles quietly. "You entered the Spirit World of your own will. Last time, Hai Bai brought you unwillingly."

The Advisor nods, seemingly caught in a senseless state of shock. "Oh. Right."

He shakes his head and smiles at her. "I missed you!"

Taala bows her head. "And I, you. In our time separated, you appear to have made several steps forward- and some back."

"I suppose," Polu shrugs. "I managed to open up to one of my friends about my past; I don't think he trusted me much before that. I even stood my ground against firebenders!"

The small, wispy end of Taala's figure ruffles Polu's short hair. "I'm proud of you, Advisor. That's quite the accomplishment."

Polu beams with pride.

"How is your connection with water?"

The prince's smile falls and he slumps forward. "I'm still struggling. I just can't seem to maintain small, controlled gestures."

The spirit hums deeply. "What about the waterbender with whom you're traveling?"

Polu shakes his head. "She hasn't had any training at all. Pretty much everything she knows comes from a single scroll. She's certainly better than I am, but she's no master."

Taala sighs. "She is better than no master until you can find one."

"I guess." Polu glances down at his friends' stirring bodies. The sun had begun to rise, and they had started to pack up their camp.


The teen returns his gaze to the Night Spirit. "Hm?"

"I highly suggest speaking to La once you arrive in the Northern Water Tribe. They might be able to help you connect with your element better than any master." Taala seems to turn her attention to the water below her.

"But how can I be sure that they'll accept me? Spirits aren't always keen on speaking with humans," Polu worries.

The spirit nods slowly. "That is true, but La gave you a gift. They would not have done so if they weren't willing to trust in you. They will speak with you so long as you are respectful."


"What's he doing? We need to go." Sokka huffs from his spot on the saddle.

Aang turns his attention to his Advisor. In front of him, Polu sits on an earthy platform above the ocean, facing away from the camp. "He's meditating. I don't think he went to sleep after his nightmare."

Katara frowns. "Well, he can meditate once we get in the air. We have to keep moving."

The Avatar nods. "Polu! Come on!"

The eldest boy doesn't stir.

"Polu!" Sokka is the one to call out this time. "Now isn't the time for reflection!"

Again, nothing.

"Why isn't he responding?" Katara wonders.

Aang's eyes light up with realization. "He must be in the Spirit World!"

The Avatar's Advisor (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now