"It's been a while," I say as I descend the steps into the warm water of the heated pool that could double as a hot tub. "Have you met Bryce yet? His family just moved in a few weeks ago."

"No, I haven't. It's nice to meet you." She smiles.

"You too," Bryce says. "How old are your kids?"

"Emmy is five, Brandon is three, and I've got one napping inside still who's two."

"My little sister is four. She's kinda shy so she might not swim unless my mom does."

"Let's get them in."

"Good luck." Bryce laughs.

"Mom!" I yell.

"Are you drowning already?" she calls.

"You're not funny! Get in the pool and bring Maggie and Layla."

"That won't work." Bryce shakes his head.

"I give it one minute."

"So, Alex, I heard about the incident with Johnny during the get together at your place two weeks ago."

How many people are gonna bring him up today?

"Yeah, that was rough." I nod.

"Is he coming today?"

"No. I actually broke up with him."

"Wow. I didn't think that would happen."

"Well, it did," Bryce says. "She's with me now."

"Really? I'm glad."

"So am I." I smile.

"Hey, Tara." Penelope smiles.

I turn around to see Mom getting in the pool with Maggie and Layla.

"Hi." She smiles back.

"Told you," I say to Bryce.

"Yeah, yeah." He rolls his eyes.

Something lands in the water behind me, just barely missing my back based on the severity of the splash I felt. I turn around and see Cassie walking up the lawn, grinning like an idiot.

"Heads up!" She laughs.

I pick up the wet soccer ball and throw it back at her. "You're a child!"

"Yes, ma'am." She sets her bag down and pulls off her shirt and shorts before joining us in the pool.

"That's Maggie, she's Bryce's mom, and that's his sister Layla," I say. "This is my best friend, Cassie."

"It's nice to meet you," Maggie says.

"You too." Cassie smiles.

"How was your vacation?" Mom asks.

"Oh my gosh, it was amazing." She smiles. "We went to the Friends set, remind me to show you pictures."

"I'm so jealous, that's my favorite show ever."

More families start to arrive and within a half hour, the pool is a bit too crowded for my liking.

"Wanna go play volleyball?" I ask Cassie and Bryce.

"Sure. Me and you against boy toy over here," Cassie says.

"Why am I by myself?" Bryce laughs.

"You're a man. You're stronger so you have an advantage." She shrugs.

"Damn penis privilege." He shakes his head.

"I don't think that's what that means." I laugh.

We climb out of the pool and grab our towels so we can dry off a bit before heading over to the volleyball net. I pick up the ball and head to one side with Cassie while Bryce heads to the other.

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