Kaoru Hakaze x FEM/AFAB!S/O - Fragrance of Love

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Kaoru is naturally a flirt, so when he sees you he's going to try his absolute hardest to win you over. He will smooth talk, be warned, he's a tease too.

He's one for beach dates, a time he can show himself off to you and yourself to him- ah but keep in mind if he sees another man staring at your body he will activate his protective mode.

He can always tell when you are about to start your monthly, your scent changes and he has a way of picking that up. Kaoru will always be prepared! Pad? Tampon? No worries, he has them in a special bag for you whenever you need them.

Kaoru also goes on a spending spree to get you chocolate! Oh yes, he will treat you like a queen.
As I mentioned, he is a flirt, most of his flirtatious behaviour is thanks to Shoujo manga... Even some of his pickup lines are too...

He is a master at the kabedon, best be ready.

Clingy, clingy, clingy! He will whine if you try and escape his snuggles! Lesson be learned, never attempt to leave- you will have sad Kaoru eyes and those equate to puppy eyes on steroids.

Physical affection and cooking are his love language, he is not a stranger to PDA, never has been and never will be.

Certified House Husband material! He is excellent with cooking and cleaning!

Loves baking you sweet treats and sugary goodness, sometimes something sweet in the belly is all it takes to make it through the day.

Constantly tells you how much you remind him of his mother with some of the small things you do. It's his way of saying how much he truly loves and cherishes you.

Kaoru definitely strikes me as a man who would love to have children of his own- mini versions of you and him definitely have flooded his mind on numerous occasions.

He will sing to you if you have a hard time sleeping, his voice is always so smooth and soothing.

You broke him when you decided to wear a rather- ahem- "spicy" outfit... Kaoru.exe has stopped working.

If YOU flirt with him he may combust on spot, he's not used to being on the receiving end of flirting but is not opposed to it.

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