Tatsumi Kazehaya - The Saintly Sweetheart

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Tatsumi prays every night before bed, as a priest he values prayer and daily worship of God so he does indeed pray before bed thanking the Lord for everything.

He has called Rei "Satan" before due to his presence giving off such a vibe, Rei however was rather amused and took it with humor- but not for long because the turquoise haired boy was armed with a cross.

It is said he is a crazy driver, yes he has done doughnuts in the church parking lot. Why? Why ever not? Aira and Mayoi are terrified to get into a car with him because of the doughnut spins.

He has at least tried to get the members of his unit to participate in confession to relieve any pent up guilt or anything.

Prays before every meal, even if it's a simple snack he will pray.

He hums church songs while cleaning.

Aira was convinced he heard an angel in the hallway once but it was just Tatsumi singing "Amazing Grace".

Sundays are a day of rest for him, he does indeed go to church those days and sometimes is in charge of hosting the mass for that day. He has attempted to invite his unit mates along- Mayoi is too chicken too enter the church because he fears he may burst into flames.

He on occasion will call people his "dear lambs"

When it was pointed out to him, he began to see the irony of what was said in the Bible "You shall not make for yourselves an idol".... That he did and admittedly he feels terrible, he has went to confession for such and has prayed for forgiveness. He is fine.

He would get along splendidly with the ol' Christian mums of Texas so much so that he would practically fit right in when in the "Bible Belt" if he came to America.

When Mayoi was sick, he stayed by his side and prayed for him, occasionally even singing to him.

Tatsumi is the reason that "CrossingxHeart" has Hallelujah in its lyrics- he got ahold of them and you cannot tell me otherwise.

He has scolded Aira for making a shrine for idols, Aira only huffed and grumbled but took down his mini shrine unless he wanted to be lectured further.

His bedtime is precisely at 8pm, no excuses.

Strict Christian boy follows every rule to a T, even when it is not during Lent he refuses to consume meat on a Friday.

He has a nativity scene he puts up during Christmas, it's actually a rather adorable set that was made in Italy.

He wants to travel to the Vatican and to the Holy Land during the Easter Season.

Personally, when I look at Tatsumi, he reminds me of a cool youth pastor at Life Church.

He has a pocket Bible and rosary.

Tatsumi keeps a "Prayer Diary" where he writes who he prays for and a prayer for them. It's actually quite sweet, a good portion of his prayers are dedicated to his unit mates.

A group of girls were commenting about "how hot" he is and his response was he is sure he is of average body temperature. He also told them not to worry and he will make sure he does not get too hot. The girls found that remark rather funny and oddly cute.

Scolds you if you swear!

Hello, Travelers!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter of my Enstars HC series! I will be adding more if requested! If you have any HC requests please do not hesitate to send them in and I will work on them as soon as possible!

- Windblume

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