Mayoi Ayase - Cowardly Yet Cute

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Mayoi is said to have an affinity with stuffed toys, even having a teddy bear of his own, I can see him with a (not so) secret stash of adorable Sanrio plushies and keeps a Kuromi plushie close by.

He still sleeps with his teddy and absolutely refuses to leave it behind if he has to go on a trip that requires him to stay away from his own bed.

Mayoi sings in the shower- he can put a whole concert on in the shower too, his hair comb is his microphone...

If he were of legal drinking age I reckon he would fancy a fine red wine.

He was sent fan letters from numerous fan girls and many of the letters contained confessions of love, to say that Mayoi.exe has stopped working is an understatement, he was about to combust on spot!

Mayoi is secretly ripped, this should not count as a HC but ever since I saw the Sanrio event card of him and his exposed abs it is clear he works out enough to get a decent pack.

His muscles are toned! Beautifully toned!
He collects ghost stories, he has a ton of books about haunted locations across the world and reads about them.

Absolutely adores baby animals! If it's small and cute he will love them unconditionally, it's rather cute to see him cuddling a baby animal with such love.

I can imagine him being secretly good at ballet, because Mayoi is familiar with "The Phantom of the Opera" (which originally premiered as a ballet in 1997), he knows how to dance many of the routines from the ballet.

He is secretly incredibly flexible! He seems like the kind of guy who can flawlessly do the splits and look super graceful doing it.

Tatsumi attempted to perform an exorcism on him once because he sleep talked in a weird voice.

During the "Cherished Cutie" event he was extremely insecure about wearing the revealing Kuromi costume- he was worried that he would be judged for his body.

Aira once got hurt during practice and Mayoi was all over him making sure he was alright. Much to Aira's dismay, Mayoi carried him like a baby all the way back to the dorm while "trying to soothe" him while all Aira was doing was grumbling like a miffed kitten.

Personally, Mayoi strangely reminds me of Sheldon Cooper in his means of honesty and being blunt. If it's on his mind- he will say it.

Likely has ADHD or at least some form of autism and has mild sensory issues when it comes to certain things.

If you were to snuggle with him he would be extremely clingy.

He likes Shakespeare and Edgar Allan Poe.

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