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The next morning my door opened and Fraser walked in. I was sitting on the made bed, my entire bag all packed again. He sighed and sat down next to me.

"Sleep?" I shook my head.

"I'm really sorry that happened last night Carter. I didn't want to get into it like that and give in to his curiosity, but he just couldn't see it from my point of view. I doubt he can even now" I shrugged.

"We knew it was coming. Even though we hoped it wouldn't and we tried to deny it, it was coming" He nodded.

"Yeah, it was. He's awake and asking me to reconsider leaving"

"Are you going to?" Fraser didn't even ponder, just immediately shook his head.

"No, I made up my mind the second I saw him in the hallway last night that we were leaving this morning"

"I thought so. I prepared." He looked at my packed bag and grinned.

"I can see that. Luke slept through it all, I filled him in this morning when I woke him up by packing my shit. He's fine with us going home today. I don't know what Denise heard or has been told" I nodded.

"You look exhausted." I sighed.

"Yeah, no sleep will do that to you"

"You didn't sleep much the night we got here, did you?" I shook my head.

"Nope. I woke up at about 1 and just kept waiting and hoping you'd come in but you didn't" He pouted.

"You should have texted me"

"And have what happened last night end up happening a day earlier? It would have ruined Thanksgiving" He sighed and rested his head back.

"I guess you're right. Are you going to shower before we go?"

"I just want to go home"

"Okay, let me go kick Bennett's ass into gear and we can leave"

"I'll come too, so he doesn't complain too much about leaving early"

"Please, with the amount of blowing up his phone has been doing lately, I think he's itching to get back"

"Okay ew, I don't want to know about his sex life" Fraser grinned and grabbed my hand.

"Come on"

We entered the room Fraser and Luke had been sleeping in to find Luke packing clothes away.

"Morning Pruitt, you look like shit"

"Thanks, you sure know how to make a girl feel better" He shrugged.

"Just keeping it real. Are you both packed and ready?" Fraser and I both nodded as Luke zipped his bag closed.

"Cool. I need breakfast so let's stop somewhere first then hit the road. I don't mind taking the brunt of the driving if you two want to sleep in the backseat" I smiled.

"That's kind of sweet of you Bennett."

"Yeah, it made me feel sick actually" Fraser added as Luke rolled his eyes.

"How did your dad take the news?" He asked Fraser.

"I told him last night. This morning he didn't bring it up but I said you were packing and once we were ready then we're gone. He asked me to stay but I said no, it's time for us to go"

"Rough. Oh well, let's get the awkward goodbyes out of the way and get some food"

"Always thinking about your stomach" I joked as he nodded.

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