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I was surprised Luke seemed to be handling it so well. Even more surprising was me not really getting all that jealous to find out he'd had sex with someone last night.

Don't get me wrong, it was almost there but he very quickly made it clear she was nothing because he hadn't let her sleep the night in his room. Because I hadn't lied to him, I wasn't sure I was completely over him. But it was so quick, and at this point so long ago, that maybe hanging out with Fraser more wasn't the dumbest idea.

I gathered my things and made my way to the co-ed bathroom closest to my room. Again, it seemed Centennial was deserted at this time probably due to everyone else having gotten back super drunk earlier this morning, so the bathroom was mostly empty and I found myself singing softly to myself as I showered and let the steam clear me out. Somehow, despite being just as drunk as I had been before, I didn't feel anywhere near as bad. I wasn't sure if it was my body adjusting to the feeling of a hangover or the fact that I'd slept stress-free for the first night in a long time. But I was glad for a Sunday because it meant I didn't have to do anything. Even if all Fraser and I did was sleep or watch movies, it would be perfect and I knew I wouldn't feel disgusting for much longer.

I finally pulled myself out of the shower, afraid that Fraser would be waiting for me in Centennial or worse that he'd actually give up and leave. I hurried back to my room and dressed in a pair of my own sweats, ones that actually fit me, and an All Time Low t-shirt I was sure Fraser would appreciate. I pulled the gray Nike jumper I'd once hated the sight of over my body before brushing and braiding my hair and leaving my room once again. I made it down to the Centennial store and saw Fraser standing outside it.

"You look fresher" He commented and I shrugged.

"Amazing what a hot shower will do. I'm starving though"

"Do you think you'd be able to stomach real food?"

"That's a good point, probably not. Should we just get some snacks then?" Fraser nodded and we entered the store. I grabbed two Gatorades for us, a red for myself and a blue for him. He went straight for nacho cheese Doritos and I grabbed a bag of pretzels off the shelf.

"I ran into Bennett on my way to the shower" I mentioned as we looked through more snack food options.

"How'd that go?"

"He slept with someone last night"

"He did?"

"Yes, but you didn't hear that from me"

"I take it he knows we spent the night together"

"Fraser I was wearing a Ducks jersey. He knows I don't like them"

"Hey, watch the team slander" I chuckled.

"Sorry. Yeah, he figured it out. I told him not to tell anyone and said nothing was going on. He seemed positive about it all, which I wasn't expecting"

"So he's finally getting over you?"

"Seems like it"

"That's a good thing, right?" I looked at him. I could tell he was trying his hardest to not voice his real opinions. Because I knew he'd just cheer and think it meant the two of us were going to move forwards.

"I think it is. I meant what I said last night. I don't know how I feel. But him moving on like this is helping me get there a little quicker' Fraser grinned.

"Well I'll be damned, seems the boy does have game" I rolled my eyes and picked up a packet of sour skittles.

"Come on, let's check this out and go. It's fucking freezing"

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