Chapter 1 - 10 Year Anniversary

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Albus opened his eyes, a dreamy smile still placed on his lips. Remembering their first days was nostalgic. He turned around in their king-sized and faced a sleeping Gellert.

He looked so peaceful, which was rare. Usually his expressions were dead serious, like the world was going to end if he would dare to smile. Now he looked like a sleeping angel. Just like the way he did when Albus had had a first glance at his soulmate in the summer of 1899.

One of his blonde locks had fallen into Gellert’s face. Albus carefully put back into place. „Does that mean you’re done staring?“, asked Gellert with his  eyes still closed. Albus chuckled. „I didn’t realise you were awake. Have you slept well?“

Gellert opened his eyes and Albus heartbeat sped up a little. Those eyes had never lost their ability to send butterflies right into his stomach.

„How could I not?“, Gellert asked smiling. „With you next to me…“ „Charmer“, Albus commented. After a small kiss on his lover’s lips he called for a house elf and ordered him to bring them breakfast to their bed today. „Today’s our tenth anniversary after all.“

Gellert shot a faked look of suprise at him. „Really? I stuck around with you that long?“, Gellert laughed. „Don’t worry, of course I haven’t forgotten.“

He pulled something out of his nightstand drawer that Albus couldn’t see. „Happy tenth anniversary, Albus“, he said and showed him three little packages wrapped in golden paper. „I love you“, Gellert said.

Another rarity. Words of affection were difficult for him, so in moments like this one they meant so much more to Albus than they otherwise would have.

“Thank you, darling. I love you too”, answered Albus, his eyes glowing with happiness and love. He started unpacking one of the packages and found lemon sherberts inside. “My favourites! You know me so well.” Gellert smirked. “I know you better than you do.” Albus shrugged. “I actually don’t doubt that.”

Then he opened the next package. Inside were self-knit warm socks. “Don’t tell me you knit those yourself!”, Albus shouted out laughing. Gellert only smiled and handed him the next package. “Okay, okay, I get it”, Albus said still chuckling. “You’d never tell me the truth, would you?” “Wait another ten years and then maybe I will.”

Slowly Albus unwrapped the last package and let the golden paper fall down next to the bed. It was a small black box usually meant for jewelry. He shot a curios look at Gellert. “Open it.”

He did and inside was a silver necklace with his symbol on it. The deathly hallows in the middle, his initials on each side of it.

“I thought it’d be nice for you election campaign”, Gellert explained, a somewhat insecure smile on his face. “It’s perfect”, Albus said lovingly. “Thank you, darling.”

Gellert took the necklace out of the box and carefully put it around Albus’ neck. Then he placed a delicate kiss on his neck intending to start a morning make-out session, but in that moment a house elf apparated into their bedroom and stopped them from doing... well more than just a little kiss.

The house elf carried a big plate with their break on it. Pumpkin pastries, scrambled eggs and bacon, marmelade toasts, as well as two steaming cups filled with tea and coffee. “It smells delicious”, said Albus while the house elf put it betweem them on the bed. “Thank you, Billy.” With another ‘plop’ he dissappeared and they were alone again.

It didn’t take them a second to start eating. The food from Nurmengard’s kitchen was just too tasty. For a few months there was just silence. “I got something for you too”, said Albus, his voice muffled by a piece of pumpkin pastry.

With a whip of his wand he let a little silver package fly out of his wardrobe. Gellert caught it and smirked at Albus. “How generous of you.” Albus rolled his eyes. “Just open it, you jerk.” “Why”, replied Gellert, “You love it when I tease you.”

But he opened the little package anyways. What he found was a fancy vest, usually worn under a suit. He had seen it a few weeks ago on a spontaneous shopping spree. “You remembered it!”, exclaimed Gellert with a smile. The fabric felt so soft under his fingers. Of course Albus remembered it. He always did if it had to do with his soulmate.

“I can’t believe it’s been ten years since that summer”, Albus said thinking about their first shared month in 1899. “Our summer.” Both smiled because of the nostalgia these memories always brought to them. “We’ve come so far since then. Back in 1899 we only dreamt of a glorious future, today we rule two countries and soon it will be the whole world.”

“Speak of the devil”, interrupted Gellert. “I really have to go to work. I wish I could stay, but I have to prepare the people in the ministry for your announcement today. I want no negative comments in Germany.” Albus sighed. “Somedays I wish we would have chosen a less busy career.” Gellert chuckled. “We’re both way too ambitious for that.” He slowly crawled out of their bed and started dressing up with magic so his hands would be free to pick up more food.

“Maybe we should start paying those house elves”, he said between two bites. “Their food is absolutely fantastic!” Albus laughed. “I actually offered them some money but none of them wanted it.”

Gellert evened his sleeves and waited until his shoe laces tied themselves perfectly, then he stepped foward and placed a quick kiss on Albus’ cheek. “I’ll be thinking about nothing but you all day”, he promised. “Have a lovely afternoon!” Then he left the bedroom, most likely to use the living room chimney to travel to his ministry in Germany.

For a moment Albus just laid still on the bed. Why could they never have a day just to themselves? But his partner was right. Their jobs came with a great responsibility and especially today their presence in the ministries was needed. Otherwise their ambitious plan could fail.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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