Part 5.

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-Okay, so where do we wanna go first? Is there anything special you guys want to see? Asked Pierre as he turned around to the face the rest of the group.

-I would like to see the beach, I heard it's very beautiful! Max suggested.

-I want to see the pubs. Lando said with an exciting voice.

-That can we do later! Pierre laughed answering to Lando's suggestion. The Frenchman turned back to Charles as they headed towards the beach.

They used to hang out on the beach a lot when they were teenagers or when they felt like they needed to get things out of their head. On the beach told Charles to Pierre that he is gay.

'It was a windy day on the beach, the sun was about to head down, but the temperature was still warm. They sat hidden behind the trees listening to the seaguls. Charles felt a knot in his troath. Now or never, he taught to himself.

-I'm gay. He said, not looking at Pierre altough he felt the frenchmans gaze on him.

-Well, I'm bisexual. Said Pierre. Charles turned his head towards this friend. He was suprised. They looked in each others eyes smiling.

-Really? Asked the monegasque.

-I won't kiss you though! Pierre defended himself with raising his hands.

-I wasn't thinking on to do so, you ididot! He slapped him on the arm. They started laughing and throwing sand at each other. When they were doney they hugged each other.

-Thank you for telling me that! Pierre whispered. They started talking about how they figured it out that they're different, what do they think their parents would react on it and of course they mentioned their crushes too. Pierre comforted Charles when he said he can't be himself in the castle.'

As they arrived at the beach Lando immediattely took of his shoes, grabbed Carlos' hands and run into the sea. The rest of the group just started laughing as Lando started screaming because the water was cold. It was a sunny but windy day.

-Come out of the water Calamar! Carlos shouted.

-Come in you, muppet! Lando said as he took Carlos hands to drag him into the water. The spaniard didn't gave himself, he held his balance pretty good, unlike Lando. He lost his balance and fell into the sea, still holding onto Carlos, who tried to save him but with a lack of luck. Lando's head didn't get wet but most of his legs and back did.

-CARLOS! PULL ME OUT THIS IS COLD! The britt screamed. Carlos was week of laughing, so he didn't really manged to pull Lando out, instead he needed to get himself out. Arthur and Max was on their knees and Charles couldn't breath. Vic leaned on her knees, she needed help to stand on her own feet, they were all weezing. The lack of people that were on the beach laughed too, some of them even filmed the whole thing.

Lando and Carlos walked back to the group. The brit was hugging himself, he was cold and the wind didn't helped him. Carlos noticed that his boyfriend was freezing, he helped Lando to take his own wet jacket off and give him his, which he managed to keep dry.

-I might take this muppet home, if you excuse us. I still think he will get the cold. The spaniard said as he put an arm aroun Lando and started moving his hands up and down to warm the younger one up. He called themselves a taxi then went home. The rest of them stayed on the beach enjoying the view.

-Anyone else wants to get in? Charles asked.

-I'm good, thanks! Vic said giggling.

-Me too. Looks fun but I refuse to go in now. The dutchman laughed.   

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